
Homework 18 has been posted.
Please note that IXL and RAZ-kids are both included on the homework.

Our Valentine celebration will be on Friday, February 14th! If you would like to come in to help celebrate, see the post below to leave a message. Thank you in advance! The Kinders LOVE it when you can stop by the classroom!

Big THANK YOU to all who donated to our “souper bowl” drive!

Remember to bring back the Read-a-thon sponsor sheets!

We had a wonderful 100th day! Here are some photos from the app Aging Booth. SO fun! Some kiddos were a little hesitant to get their photo taken, and some requested their photo not be published.

100 years youngslideshows

f you would like a copy of your funny Kinder, send me an email!

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Valentine Celebration!

Valentine’s Day is approaching!

We will celebrate with six centers. I have some fun math games available if you would like to join us, or if you would like to bring a fun craft or treat the kiddos would love that as well!

Please leave a post below with your craft and if its for AM or PM.
If you plan to include a treat, please let me know by Monday so I can get permission slips out to all families.

Valentines are optional, but if you do choose to send valentines, please no candy or food. We have 26 students in each class. We do not send home class lists, so to save time, please do not label the valentines. 

The Kinders will decorate bags to hold their cards in the classroom. No need to bring anything from home. 

Looking forward to a fun celebration to show your kiddos how much they are loved!

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Library Wednesday!

Tomorrow is our library day!!

Last Wednesday was the first day to check out books. If your Kinder brought home a book last week, please return the book tomorrow!

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Homework 17 has been posted. Please note the new additions of IXL and Raz-Kids.

The 100th day of school will be next Monday, February 3!!!
Please work with your Kinder to collect 100 items that can fit into a backpack. On Monday we will have a chance for show-n-tell. 

The “souper bowl” competition is still going on! I think you all misunderstood my earlier post because your kiddos keep bringing in cans for the Broncos… 

This Friday is a short day AND $1.00 dress down day.

The read-a-thon will be this Friday! Due to the illnesses that have been going around I ask that all pillows and blankets stay home. One stuffed animal that fits in a backpack is welcome.

Quest Movie Night is this Thursday!! Click here for details!

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Tacky the Penguin

We read Tacky the Penguin today and talked about the beginning, middle, and end of the story. Your Kinder then drew pictures or wrote about each part in a small book that is now in his/her backpack. 

Please take a moment to ask your child about the parts of the story. 

What happened in the beginning of the story? (Tacky was an odd penguin)
What happened in the middle? (Hunters came looking for nice penguins)
What happened at the end? (The hunters ran away and the penguins hugged Tacky)

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Souper Bowl

super bowlThe Student Council is sponsoring Quest Academy’s “Souper Bowl” canned food drive!

Beginning this Thursday, all students may bring in canned foods and place them under the team logo that they would like to win the “Super Bowl.”  (SEAHAWKS)

We will announce Quest’s “Souper Bowl” winner later in February.  The real winners will be the needy individuals that will benefit as a result of Quest Academy’s generous donation to the food bank!

Please help by participating… and show some spirit for your favorite team! (SEAHAWKS)

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Bright green Read-a-thon papers have been sent home!  

These sponsor sheets (without money)  need to be returned to our class by January 27th at the latest.  If you bring the sponsor sheet back in time, you will receive a coupon to collect a charm.  The coupon will be sent home, along with your sponsor sheet, on 1/31.  Students will need to collect money and return the sponsor sheet and money to the school on February 5th.

The student who collects the most money will win a Kindle Fire!  Our goal is to raise $7,000, which is only $10 of pledges per student.  

On Read-A-Thon Day, students can read a classroom book or bring their own books.  It is also a dress-down day, and students can bring their favorite stuffed animal to class (must fit inside of their backpack). Please no pillows or blankets!

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Library Center

Dear Families,

Our classes have officially started reading in the library center! I LOVE this time of year because it warms my heart to see our kiddos reading!!

If you (or Grandparents, family friends, etc) have a free moment please come in and listen to these Kinders read!

AM 8:45-9:45
PM 1:30-2:30


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Homework 16 has been posted. Please note that homework now includes IXL and RAZ-Kids. I will have computers in the classroom on Mondays for students who did not complete these tasks. Due to the time needed for Waterford, we do not have time in the computer lab and it is important that our Kinders use these websites provided by Quest!

SIS grades are set for mastery. If your child has mastered the standard, he or she will receive a 4. Anything lower than a 4 means your child has not mastered that standard yet. 

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Intro to Penguins

We started a short penguin unit today and watched a video of Mr. Rogers visiting a zoo. Not only did this bring back wonderful memories for me, but started some great conversations with the Kinders. 

Click on the link to watch!

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