Art Project with our reading buddies!

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Winter is here!

I suppose winter does not officially begin until December 21st, but winter weather has arrived! It is FREEZING! 

There will be times (like today) where Quest keeps the kiddos inside, but please send your littles to school bundled up! Big coats, pants, good shoes, hats, gloves, and scarves are perfect for those chilly winds, and even if we don’t go outside during the day there is still before and after school to consider.

Thank you for all that you do! I love teaching your little ones!


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Lately there has been a few homework packets turned in without names. Please take a moment to check the homework grades in SIS for any missing assignments.
Thank you!!

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Homework #12 has been posted!

Please bring your Reading Bingo sheets to school tomorrow! AM Kinders will turn them in before school, PM Kinders bring them to class. If you need more information or a new sheet, click here

Three weeks left before Winter Break!! (Yes, I’m counting down!) If you have a free moment, stop by our class! The next three weeks will be FILLED with fun projects, writing, and books! By far my favorite time of the year! 

Lots of love,
Mrs. Esson

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Dear Families,
I want to let you all know how thankful I am to be your child’s teacher. I am thankful to spend my time each day with your little one and watch them learn and grow. 

I hope you all enjoy this week off. You are SO lucky to get this quality time! Give your Kinder a big hug for me!

Lots of love,
Mrs. Esson


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We are LOVING our writing time!
Look at just one example of the labeling we are learning! 

This would be a great thing to do over Thanksgiving break! 

2013-11-15 09.34.19
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Water bottles

Is your Kinder missing a water bottle?

These lovely items have been spending way too much time in the classroom. If they are yours, please let me know. 


2013-11-18 08.25.35
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Thanksgiving celebration!

On Friday, November 22nd our class will have a small Thanksgiving celebration. We will celebrate with six Thanksgiving themed centers. If you would like to come and help or have a small art or math activity to contribute, please leave a comment below. 

We look forward to celebrate all that we are thankful for on Friday!!

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Tutoring Tuesday, November 12

Dear Families,

There will be no tutoring the afternoon of Tuesday, November 12th. I will be away from the school for a state training. This should be my last one of the school year. I’m tired of sitting in classes all day when I could be with your fantastic kiddos!!

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*Homework #10 has been posted!

*Thanksgiving is quickly approaching! Don’t forget Quest has the entire week off! Check the Classroom Calendar for reminders.

*BIG thank you to the families that have donated magazines!! It doesn’t matter what magazines you have, if you’re done with them, please send them our way!! I choose pictures from the magazines to give the Kinders pictures to use in their writing journals. Stop by the classroom if you have any questions. 

*Thank you to everyone who donated $$ for the iPad fundraiser!! (There’s still time if you would like to donate!)

*Scholastic books are a WONDERFUL Christmas gift! I will be placing the class order on November 27 to ensure it gets here before break. See the link above for our class code and a direct link!

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