This Week in 4th Grade…16th-20th

Begins this week!!

COOKIE DOUGH FUNDRAISER-Watch this video about the cookie dough fundraiser! Students can start selling on Monday, September 16th; they’ll need everything turned in at the office on Wednesday, September 25th. Angelee and Dr. Dave will be passing out Spooky Speedster prizes on Tuesdays and Thursdays before school starts in front of the library. All other prizes will be shipped to the school AFTER the fundraiser is over.

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This Week in 4th Grade

READING passages were sent home last week. Just a reminder that fluency is how fast we read per minute. The goal is to increase our fluency while making sure that the words we read are correct. I will be sending home these passages weekly and can be part of their 20-minute daily reading. Please support their reading and encourage them to try to beat their time with their fluency. There are also spelling words attached they can practice spelling in any creative way they would like, as well as comprehension questions they can fill out on Thursday night. They should bring these papers signed and returned back to me each Friday. Students will be rewarded with tickets for papers brought back by Friday. If your child does not bring home and reading passage, have them read 20 minutes from a book of their choice. We will start lexile levels in a couple weeks.

TUTORING will be starting this week. Students recently learned how to take their first comp check to prove proficiency last week. I will be starting tutoring by invitation this week. You will receive an email if your student could benefit from attending.

What we are learning…We will be focused on the same learning this week in Math, ELA, and Science.

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This Week in Class…

Hope you had a fantastic Labor Day Weekend getting the last bit of summer sun in. We will be focused on the same learning this week in Math, ELA, and Science.

Students will be learning how to take their first comp check to prove proficiency this week. So check in with them as the week progresses on how they are doing. I will be starting tutoring by invitation this week. I will email you if your student could benefit from attending.

I am attaching a yearly treat and movie form to be filled out by you that will cover the entire year of events. Please fill out this form as quickly as possible so that your child can participate in all the upcoming fun activities. Click here to access the permission form for the year.

Our first field trip is quickly approaching. We will be going to the American West Heritage Center in Cache Valley on Thurs Sept. 26th. Please fill out this form to give permission for your child to participate.

A bus will take us to the park from Quest at the beginning of school and bring us back to Quest that afternoon. The suggested donation will be $5 per student to cover all expenses for this field trip. Please pay your funds to the office or online before Sept 20th so we can get a good count.
Also please indicate on this form if your student is going to attend and what they will be doing for lunch (whether its home or school lunch)
Also we will be taking 6 chaperones to attend with each class. Chaperones chosen will need to ride the bus with us and have a group of students they are in charge of throughout the entire field trip. The chosen chaperones will need to pay the Quest office a $8 field trip fee. Please indicate if you are willing to attend and pay the chaperone fee and I will be randomly selecting the 6 lucky chaperones.

Please Note : Younger siblings are not allowed on the field trip since we will be taking the bus and do not have room for them to ride the bus with us.

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This Week in 4th Grade

We are starting our weekly lessons this week. Listed below are lessons/standards of Math, ELA, and Science. Please ask your students questions relating to these topics. I will be starting tutoring next week. Tutoring will be on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons from 3:15 to 3:45. If your student needs to attend tutoring, you will be sent an email asking your student to attend.

Picture day is coming this Wednesday. Students will wear school uniforms for these pictures. The link provided below will direct you to pre-ordering.

If you have not signed the class disclosure and back-to-school forms, please do so now.

Just a reminder to pay the student fees in the office to help cover your student’s supplies.  Link  I have already purchased these items for this year. If you would rather purchase them yourselves, they must meet the description on the class supply list.

Students need headphones starting this week. Please send them by tomorrow. If you need to borrow or purchase headphones send me an email. 🙂


Picture day- Wednesday, August 28th Link

Novel Study – Punished (in class this month)

Field Trip – American West Heritage Center, Thursday, Sept. 26th

Novel Study Party – Book review, Friday, Sept. 27th

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A Few Things to Start Thinking About

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Class Supply List

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I know how busy this time of year is and I want to help make it easier. I am giving the parents an option to pay a $30 donation to cover each student’s supplies.

You can start paying the $30 donation to the office at back to school night or anytime after school starts. I have already purchased these items for this year. If you would rather purchase them yourselves, they must meet the description I have listed below. It is more efficient for me to have all the supplies the same color and type.

I have already purchased the following items:

  • Colored pencils (24 pack) and additional art supplies
  • Plastic plain folders with metal paper holders and paper pockets. Blue, Yellow, Red, and Green. Folders are plain, no designs or images.
  • Spiral notebook, plain cover in the colors Blue, Yellow Red, and Green.
  • Composition notebooks-black, plastic front and binders
  • Scissors/Pencils/Erasers
  • Glue
  • Copy paper
  • Highlighter/Expo markers. Skinny black only 15-20.
  • Party supplies/Birthday desk
  • Prize bin: Fun stuff that cost less then $1 each
  • Reward stickers: various variety
  • Christmas/Mother’s Day gifts/Father’s Day gifts
  • Service project card material
  • Rendezvous supplies

Each student will still need to bring from home:

Headphones/earbuds-labeled with their name.
Pencil Box1 standard size pencil box, must be able to hold 3-4 pencils, one box of colored pencils, one glue sticks, 2-3 pens, 1-2 highlighters, etc.

Backpacks are not to be brought. ONLY lunch bags are needed if they are bringing a lunch from home.

Water bottles are optional for students to bring for their use during class time. Please make sure it does not leak or spill if knocked or tipped over…Sorry Stanleys 🙁

Lanyards are optional, I will provide them with a shirt clip.

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Summer Fitness Camp

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Fundraiser @ Zupas

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Solar Oven Donations

On Friday, May 3 we are creating our Solar Ovens to make some S’mores! We are in need of donations of ingredients and materials. If you are willing to bring something, please send your child with them no later than Thursday the 2nd so I know what I need to go get! Thank you 🙂


  • Graham Crackers
  • Marshmallows
  • Plastic Wrap
  • Hershey’s Chocolate Bars

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Utah History Program- April 30 @ 6:00


We are having a Utah Program at Quest (Q1) Academy, April 30 at 6:00PM. All of the 4th grade students will be singing different Utah songs for you. Best dress (what you would wear to a wedding or church) or school uniform please. Please have your students in my classroom no later than 5:50 to be ready to head to the gym as a class to start our program. Along with singing, a few students from our room will have speaking parts. These parts can be memorized. WE are excited to entertain you all! Invite everyone you know to come-no limit! 

All of the 4th grade kids have created something to show you about our beautiful state. To see what they have created, you may come before the program 5:00-5:30, or after the performance at about 7:00. Our class display will be in our classroom.

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