This Is the Place Field Trip Information!
In preparation for our 4th-grade field trip on Thursday, October 6th, there are a couple things we need to make sure everyone is aware of.
Students and the chosen class chaperones need to be on time (8:25 am) to school that morning. Chaperones, please pay your admission fee at Quest ($7). The bus will be loaded promptly at 8:45am. We will be traveling by bus to “This Is The Place Heritage Park” in Salt Lake City. Since the bus ride is about an hour long, students are allowed to bring a book or small cards to play with on the bus. NO ELECTRONICS — including cell phones will be permitted. Cell phones will not be allowed because they can’t be safely monitored by teachers. Please go over with your student proper bus behavior before that morning. We should arrive at “This Is The Place” around 9:50-10:00 am.
Students will still be required to wear their school uniforms on the field trip. Students will also need to bring a light jacket or hoodie with them as we will be at the base of the canyon and it tends to have chilly mornings. They may bring along a small water bottle as well. Each student will also need a backpack that day to hold their jackets, lunches, and water bottles. If they ordered school lunch they would receive it that morning to carry. If they are bringing home lunch, make sure to bring it (students will not share food).
We will be reloading buses at 1:00 pm and will arrive back at school at about 2:05 pm. Your students will be back in time for the normal after-school pick-up.
If you have not already taken care of the $5 student fee, please pay at the office or online here: ONLINE PAYMENTS marking “other” and typing Chaparro field trip. Please pay this fee A.S.A.P.
We hope for a fun day with all of our students.
The 4th-grade teachers
- Wednesday, Oct. 5th – Picture Retakes – See the flyer below
- Tuesday, Oct. 6th – Field Trip – Required School Wide Evacuation Form Due!!
- Tuesday, Oct. 11th – Evacuation Drill
- Oct. 12-14 – NO SCHOOL! Fall Break
- Monday, October 17 – Cookie Dough and Beef Jerky pickup and Mrs. Chaparro’s Birthday!
- Friday, October 21 – End of Quarter Grades posted.
- Oct. 26th-27th – Parent Teacher Conferences – Sign-ups will go out towards the end of next week
- Friday, Oct. 28th – No School – Teacher Work Day
- Halloween -Monday, Oct. 31st – Short Day, Halloween parade, and party!
Picture RETAKES!!
Upcoming Lockdown and Evacuation Drill:
Parents, this FORM must be filled out before October 6th, with acknowledgment of the evacuation drill, along with accurate information and the name of the person who will be picking up your student. All information about this Evacuation Drill will be found on the form.
Pick-up Times:
The below pick-up times are based on the LAST NAME OF THE ADULT who will be picking students up at the church.
- Adult’s last name beginning with letters A-C: Pick up between 3:00 – 3:15
- Adult’s last name beginning with letters D-J: Pick up between 3:15 – 3:30
- Adult’s last name beginning with letters K-P: Pick up between 3:30 – 3:45
- Adult’s last name beginning with letters Q-Z: Pick up between 3:45 – 4:00
Please feel free to contact the office with any questions you might have regarding this drill or the pick-up procedures.
This week in ELA we are learning…
This week in Math we are learning:
Lesson 7: Multiplication and Division in Word Problems and Lesson 8: Multiples and Factors.
HALLOWEEN – This year Halloween is on a Monday. We will be having a class party and I am looking for some amazing parents to help us run this day. I will be emailing out a Google Form asking for volunteers. I am so excited for this day!!!!
Dollar Dress Down Dates: