Freeport fourth graders hold economic fair | WGME

Upcoming Rendezvous– We will be having our annual fourth-grade Rendezvous (a.k.a. the Economics Fair) on Thursday, Dec 14th. It will be held in the Q1 Gym from 2:00-3:00. This is a fun activity for all who come! ALL are welcome including smaller siblings. Guests will receive complimentary “pelts” at the door to spend too.

In the next month, we will be learning about economics and rendezvous as part of our Utah history lessons. This activity will help students gain a better understanding of basic economics as well as how mountain men and early pioneers made and sold products. This activity is part of our social studies curriculum. All students are encouraged to participate and will need to be present on the day of the activity.

To be ready for this event, students will need to make a product or plan a service to “sell” during the rendezvous. Some examples are (but not limited to):

We have had in the past: flower pens, play dough, slime, hand warmers, jewelry, and other simple crafts. You pick what you would like to bring BUT no food items will be allowed. Remember what you have learned about economics, make something that no one else has. That way, you can charge more for the product because you won’t have any competition. HIGH DEMAND = MORE SALES/PROFIT  😉 Your overall profit will reward you with bragging rights. We don’t use any “real” money. We will be using rendezvous “paper pelts.”

From now until the rendezvous, students will have the opportunity to earn “animal pelts.” This is our form of money/currency given out by 4th Grade Teachers to be used to buy things at the rendezvous from other students. You will turn in your paper pelts afterward. Whatever you choose to make should be homemade or a kit (Amazon has several orders soon). Don’t stress about this project, you can paint/use markers to color rocks and call it good. Remember***you want to have a product kids want to buy in the end though*** Students should use materials that can be found around the house to make sure their product doesn’t break the bank. Any cost involved in purchasing materials should be minimal. Students will need to make 30 items to sell. Please let the students make this product/service with minimal help from grown-ups. Rendezvous items are due Monday, Dec 12th. This will ensure that students are ready to sell on Thursday and give time for me to help students price their products and make a poster in class.  AGAIN, the product posters are being made in class. Lastly, please fill out this GOOGLE FORM to allow your student to participate.

Feel free to email me with any additional questions.

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Dates to Remember in November:

Upcoming Events:

  • November 7-9: Choir Practice
  • November 14-16: Choir Practice
  • November 17: Dollar Dress Down
  • November 20: Choir Performance-Roy City Lights
  • November 20-24: Thanksgiving Break
  • November 25: Choir Performance-West Haven Lights
  • November 27: Choir Performance-Ogden City Village

Math November 6-10: Mult/Div Word Problems Lesson #7

Nov 6-Nov 17: ELA-Wonders Lesson-UNIT #3 Week 1-2

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New Class Novel!

We have started reading a new class novel. “The Chocolate Touch.” Please encourage your child to read this with you and ask them questions along the way! This novel will be due back November 2. If they finish reading it before that time, they can bring it back before that date.

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October Dates to Remember:

  • Thursday, October 5: Field Trip-This is the Place Heritage Park
  • Tuesday, October 10: Choir clubs starts-if you joined
  • Wednesday-Friday, October 11-13: NO SCHOOL Fall Break
  • Thursday, October 19: Cookie Dough and Beef Jerky Delivered
  • Wednesday-Thursday, October 25-26: Early Out and Parent Teacher Conferences
  • Tuesday, October 31: Early Out and Halloween Parade & Party
  • Wednesday, November 1: NO SCHOOL

Click here to sign up!

Use the link above to sign up for parent-teacher conferences. Conferences will start on October 25th and 26th beginning at 1:20. I’m excited to talk about your student and their progress this year. Please bring your child with you to the conference. We have short days these two days.

If you can’t make these dates, please let me know. I still want to find another date/time to meet. Thanks

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Our annual Halloween Parade will take place on Tuesday, October 31st. The parade will start at 9:00am, have your student come to school already dressed in their costume.

Our class party will be from 10:15 to 11:45. Please fill out the Halloween Permission Form allowing your child to participate and if you would like to help volunteer.

Additionally, don’t forget that students do not have school on November 1st.

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Cookie Dough Fundraiser!!

Cookie Dough Fundraiser!!

Hello, Quest Families!

Your students will bring home a Cookie Dough packet today with important information regarding our fundraiser.

You’ll notice an order form with pictures of the different items for sale on one side. This is your own personal record of who you sell items to. Please do not return this form to the school, as ALL orders need to be entered in the Scoreboard app. Information for downloading the app and registering for Quest’s fundraiser are also provided in the packet.

The Blitz envelope is where cash and checks can be stored until September 26th, when everything should be returned to the school (minus the order form). All envelopes should be turned in to the office before school starts on September 26th.

Please remember that students can only receive prizes if orders are entered in the app. The app is used to monitor sales and provide reports so school administration can distribute prizes as they are earned.

The Spooky Speedster prizes will be distributed Wednesday and Friday morning in the Q1 foyer before school starts (8:00am to 8:20am). They will also be passed out on Monday and Tuesday of the following week in the same location and at the same time.

Thanks for your support, Quest Families. Happy fundraising!

Fundraising Video


Math: Adding and Subtracting Whole Numbers!

ELA: How can starting a business help others?


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Field Trip Coming Up in October

Sign Permission Form Here:

We are heading off campus-YAY!!! Our first field trip will be Thursday, October 5th. We will be going to “This is the Place Heritage Park” in Salt Lake City. 

DETAILS: We will be taking school buses to and from the destination. We plan to leave Quest Academy at 8:35 and arrive back around 2:30. Students will need to bring a small backpack that will hold a small plastic water bottle, a light jacket, sunscreen (applied before arriving at school), and a small book or cards to read/play on the bus (optional). No cell phones or electronic devices are allowed on our field trip. All pictures will be taken by me or a chaperone and shared on the BLOG afterward.

Donations: The donation cost is $5 per child. Please pay this at the office or online here: ONLINE PAYMENTS marking “other” and typing Chaparro field trip. Please pay before Friday, Sept 29th.

CHAPERONES: SIX LUCKY PARENTS will get to accompany us on our field trip. I will randomly select the lucky chaperones who would be willing to put their name in to volunteer. Chaperones will need to pay the Quest office a $8 field trip fee (your entrance cost) and bring their own lunch. NOTE: Additional people (younger or older family/siblings) are not allowed on the field trip. You will need to ride the bus with us and stay with your assigned group.

LUNCH: Students can bring their lunch from home or order a school sac lunch. There will be two lunch options, an uncrustable or a hoagie sandwich. Additionally, they will need to order chocolate or white milk. School sack lunch count is due Friday, September 23rd. No late lunches can be added to the count after this date.

Click here to sign the permission form 🙂

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Our 1st book club book is “Punished”. It was sent home today (Monday, September 11) in book pouch. Please have your student read it on their own, read it to them or find the audio of the book. They should be reading at-least 20 min a day. It is due back on October 2. Please make sure it comes back in the same book pouch. They will be doing a writing assignment after the book is brought back! Thank you for supporting your child at home!!

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Math- Rounding and Adding Whole Numbers

ELA – Unit 1 Week 4

Science – Animal structures and the 5 senses

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We are Learning…

Learning This week: Aug 28th-Sep 1st

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