Hands-on Fun

4-H Workshops

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The Yearbook Link remains active. The final day for sales will be March 24th. Yearbook sales are online only, and can be purchased using a credit card or eCheck. You may access the link at the top of the Quest home page, or through our online payment page HERE. Please be sure to use the blue “Yearbook” link to make the purchase. 

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Friday St. Patrick’s Day Fun

Tomorrow, Friday March 17th, students may wear a GREEN SHIRT with UNIFORM PANTS. Student’s can always show their SCHOOL SPIRIT every Friday by wear a Quest Spirit shirt.

Important Dates:

  • March 17th – St. Patrick’s Day
  • March 29th – 4th Grade Utah History Program 6:00 Q1 gym. If your child has a part, please practice this at home. It would be fabulous if it was memorized. Help your child practice the songs at home 🙂
  • March 31 – Dollar Dress Down Day
  • March 31-April 1 – Q2 School Play
  • April 3rd-7th – SPRING BREAK!!!
  • April 12 – Clark Planetarium Field Trip Field Trip Permission Form and Sack Lunch Count

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4th Grade Utah Program-Save the Date!

Utah, This is the Place!


March 29th @ 6:00

We are having a Utah Program at Quest (Q1) Academy. All of the 4th grade students will be singing different Utah songs for you. Best dress (what you would wear to a wedding or church) or school uniform please. Along with singing, 8 students from our room will have speaking parts. Students will sign-up for these today and we will randomly pick out names. These parts need to be memorized. The parts have about three sentences in them. After they are picked, parents will be notified to verify they will be in attendance.

We are excited to entertain you all! Invite everyone you know to come-no limit! All of the 4th grade kids have created something to show you about our beautiful state. They will be displayed afterwards in our class. 


March Happenings

Important Dates:

  • March 3rd – Dr. Seuss Dress Up Day – Dress like a Dr. Seuss character or wear a Dr. Seuss shirt.
  • March 3rd – Boots & Beauties Dance – See below of details – QR code is not working
  • March 10th – Cowboys & Angels Dance – See below for details – QR code is not working
  • March 17th – St. Patrick’s Day
  • March 29th – 4th Grade Utah History Program 6:00 Q1 gym
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As many of you are aware, there are winter warnings and advisories about today’s and tomorrow’s winter storm. The recommendation has been to avoid commuting or traveling tomorrow morning, as the roads are predicted to be unsafe. Due to these advisories and the distance many of our families and employees travel to attend Quest, students will be learning from home tomorrow. In the jr. high, students will access assignments and other learning resources via their Google classrooms—it is not necessary to login to Google Meet. Students are welcome to email teachers with any questions they have regarding their posted assignments.

Elementary students have learning packets that were sent home previously to provide learning from home in these situations. However, please watch for additional resources to come home today with Q1 students. Their teachers will be contacting you shortly via their blogs or email.

Please note that we will watch conditions closely over the next couple of days to determine student learning on Thursday (late start, learning from home, regular school day, etc.). Thanks so much for all you do. We hope your families stay safe!

For my 4th-grade students, I have some work for them to complete online. These are things they will need to submit or return when it is completed.

  • iRead- 30 mins
  • imath-30 mins AND teacher assigned lesson
  • Wonders TO DO List- Read “Apples to Oregon”
  • Science nearpod- on Chaparro Science google classroom
  • Vocab slides – on Chaparro ELA google classroom

I sent a snow packet home in January, this can be done on Thursday if school is canceled. If they somehow forget how to login- they should have all logins at home. Students can sign in through google. (first.last@qackids.org) Also on my blog under Parent Info and student log in codes it shows how to log in to programs we use.

Thanks, this makes it so we do not have to make up the day in the summer.

Mrs Chaparro

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Valentines Day!!

Students are able to bring a store-bought treat/candy for their peers on
Valentine’s Day Feb 14.

This is ONLY if you fill this out beforehand. VALENTINESPERMISSION

These treats will be sent home so that parents can decide if their child can have them. Nothing will be consumed in class. Please let me know of any allergies your child may have. There are 27 students in our class. If your child brings something to pass out, they must bring enough for everyone. Please don’t label them, just sign their name. We will pass out cards/treats at the end of the day. Students my bring a Valentine’s box to collect cards/prizes in. If they don’t bring one, I will have a bag for them to use. 

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Parent Teacher Conferences Coming Up

Parent’s, it’s that time again! I’m so excited to meet with you and discuss your child’s progress this year. Please click here and sign up for a time that works for you to meet! Thank you!

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Polar Express Party

Students have been working very hard to be proficient in multiplication facts! We have a few kids that are still trying to master these skills. Please help them by practicing at home. To celebrate, we are going to be watching the movie for our winter party. The party will be on Friday, December 16. This movie is rated “G.” Please let me know if you would like your child to participate in another activity that day instead of watching the movie.

Students may wear clean pajamas to school that day. They can bring a small pillow, blanket, and stuffed animal to use during the show. Kids can snack on treats they brought from home (it can be healthy or sweet). They can bring a closable drink too.

NOTE: anything they bring may not be shared with other students. Remember we have a short day this day.

Besides watching the movie, we will have a gift exchange. Please send your child with a $3-$5 gift to share. They may also regift a gently used item/toy. Please bring the gift wrapped. I will gladly except any extra gift you can send for children that don’t bring on. I will not need any volunteers for this day. If you would like to be participate in the fun, you can sure stop by for a little bit.

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Upcoming Events and This Week in Class…

Upcoming Events:

  • Friday, November 18: Dollar Dress Down Day
  • Monday-Friday, November 21-25: Thanksgiving Break- No School
  • Friday, December 2: Angel Tree Dress Down Day
  • Saturday, December 3- Reindeer Run and Breakfast with the Grinch Click here to register: Online Registration
  • Thursday, December 1: Mountain Man visits
  • Thursday, December 15, Rendezvous
  • Friday, December 16: Polar Express Party
  • December 17-January 1: Winter Break- No School


Freeport fourth graders hold economic fair | WGME
Renezvous Form

Upcoming Rendezvous-We will be having our annual fourth-grade Rendezvous (a.k.a. the Economics Fair) on Thursday, Dec 15th. It will be held in the Q1 Gym from 2:00-3:00. This is a fun activity for all who come! ALL are welcome including smaller siblings. Guests will receive complimentary “pelts” at the door to spend too.

In the next month, we will be learning about economics and rendezvous as part of our Utah history lessons. This activity will help students gain a better understanding of basic economics as well as how mountain men and early pioneers made and sold products. This activity is part of our social studies curriculum. All students are encouraged to participate and will need to be present on the day of the activity.

To be ready for this event, students will need to make a product or plan a service to “sell” during the rendezvous. Some examples are (but not limited to):

We have had in the past: flower pens, play dough, slime, hand warmers, jewelry, and other simple crafts. You pick what you would like to bring BUT no food items will be allowed. Remember what you have learned about economics, make something that no one else has. That way, you can charge more for the product because you won’t have any competition. HIGH DEMAND=MORE SALES/PROFIT  😉 Your overall profit will reward you with bragging rights. We don’t use any “real” money. We will be using rendezvous “paper pelts.”

From now until the rendezvous, students will have the opportunity to earn “animal pelts.” This is our form of money/currency given out by 4th Grade Teachers to be used to buy things at the rendezvous from other students. You will turn in your paper pelts afterward. Whatever you choose to make should be homemade or a kit (Amazon has several-but order soon). Don’t stress about this project, you can paint/use markers to color rocks and call it good. Remember***you want to have a product kids want to buy in the end though*** Students should use materials that can be found around the house to make their product-don’t break the bank. Any cost involved in purchasing materials should be minimal. Students will need to make 30 items to sell. Please let the students make this product/service with minimal help from grown-ups. Rendezvous items are due Monday, Dec 12th. This will assure that students are ready to sell on Thursday and give time for me to help students price their product and make a poster in class.  AGAIN, the product posters are being made in class. Lastly, please fill out this FORM to allow your student to participate.

Feel free to email me with any additional questions.

Reindeer Run

Watch this FUN VIDEO!!! Reindeer Run 2021 Video

What we are learning this week>>>

Lesson 14
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Parent Teacher Conferences

I’m so excited to meet with you and your child to talk about their progress in 4th grade!! Use the link to sign up for a time to meet with me. We have short days on October 26th and October 27th. Additionally, do not forget that students do not have school Friday, October 28th. If you can’t make either of these days or times, let me know I would like to find a time that works for you!

Parent Teacher Conference Sign Up

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