Here is what we are learning this week – (October 17-21st)


JOIN THE CHOIR 3-6 GRADES for more information and to sign up: Click the link here

Our annual Halloween Parade will take place on Friday, October 31st. The parade will start at 9:00am, have your student come to school already dressed in their costume.

Our class party will be from 10:15 to 11:45. Please fill out the Halloween Form allowing your child to participate and if you would like to help volunteer.

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October is BUSY!!!

This Is the Place Field Trip Information!

In preparation for our 4th-grade field trip on Thursday, October 6th, there are a couple things we need to make sure everyone is aware of. 

Students and the chosen class chaperones need to be on time (8:25 am) to school that morning. Chaperones, please pay your admission fee at Quest ($7). The bus will be loaded promptly at 8:45am. We will be traveling by bus to “This Is The Place Heritage Park” in Salt Lake City. Since the bus ride is about an hour long, students are allowed to bring a book or small cards to play with on the bus. NO ELECTRONICS — including cell phones will be permitted. Cell phones will not be allowed because they can’t be safely monitored by teachers. Please go over with your student proper bus behavior before that morning. We should arrive at “This Is The Place” around 9:50-10:00 am. 

Students will still be required to wear their school uniforms on the field trip. Students will also need to bring a light jacket or hoodie with them as we will be at the base of the canyon and it tends to have chilly mornings. They may bring along a small water bottle as well. Each student will also need a backpack that day to hold their jackets, lunches, and water bottles. If they ordered school lunch they would receive it that morning to carry. If they are bringing home lunch, make sure to bring it (students will not share food).

We will be reloading buses at 1:00 pm and will arrive back at school at about 2:05 pm. Your students will be back in time for the normal after-school pick-up.

If you have not already taken care of the $5 student fee,  please pay at the office or online here: ONLINE PAYMENTS marking “other” and typing Chaparro field trip. Please pay this fee A.S.A.P.

We hope for a fun day with all of our students. 


The 4th-grade teachers


  • Wednesday, Oct. 5th – Picture Retakes – See the flyer below
  • Tuesday, Oct. 6th – Field Trip – Required School Wide Evacuation Form Due!!
  • Tuesday, Oct. 11th – Evacuation Drill
  • Oct. 12-14 – NO SCHOOL! Fall Break
  • Monday, October 17 – Cookie Dough and Beef Jerky pickup and Mrs. Chaparro’s Birthday!
  • Friday, October 21 – End of Quarter Grades posted.
  • Oct. 26th-27th – Parent Teacher Conferences – Sign-ups will go out towards the end of next week
  • Friday, Oct. 28th – No School – Teacher Work Day
  • Halloween -Monday, Oct. 31st – Short Day, Halloween parade, and party!

Picture RETAKES!!

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Click Here to prepay online

Upcoming Lockdown and Evacuation Drill:

Parents, this FORM must be filled out before October 6th, with acknowledgment of the evacuation drill, along with accurate information and the name of the person who will be picking up your student.  All information about this Evacuation Drill will be found on the form.

Pick-up Times:

The below pick-up times are based on the LAST NAME OF THE ADULT who will be picking students up at the church.

  • Adult’s last name beginning with ­­­letters A-C: Pick up between 3:00 – 3:15
  •  Adult’s last name beginning with ­­­letters D-J: Pick up between 3:15 – 3:30
  • Adult’s last name beginning with ­­­letters K-P: Pick up between 3:30 – 3:45
  • Adult’s last name beginning with ­­­letters Q-Z: Pick up between 3:45 – 4:00

Please feel free to contact the office with any questions you might have regarding this drill or the pick-up procedures.

This week in ELA we are learning…

This week in Math we are learning:

Lesson 7: Multiplication and Division in Word Problems and Lesson 8: Multiples and Factors.

HALLOWEEN – This year Halloween is on a Monday. We will be having a class party and I am looking for some amazing parents to help us run this day. I will be emailing out a Google Form asking for volunteers. I am so excited for this day!!!!

Dollar Dress Down Dates:

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Things to Remember….

Fundraiser, Artists, Field Trip and More…

Attention Artists!!!

The Chalk Art Contest will be held at West Haven’s Evening of Art.

It is free to enter, fun to participate and has prizes!

The event will be Saturday, September 24th at the West Haven building.

Enter here: Contest Link

Cookie Dough Fundraiser

Thank you for participating in our cookie dough fundraiser. Remember, students have until the end of this upcoming Monday to sell items. All packets, including cash and checks, should be returned Tuesday morning. The Cookie Dough & Beef Jerky fundraiser will help fund student activities (ie field trips) and school improvements. Below is the video that Dr. Dave presented today during our kick-off assembly.


Here are some things to know:

  • The fundraiser – GOING ON NOW
  • Money is due by Sept 27
  • Checks payable to Quest Academy
  • All orders need to be entered into the Scoreboard app (code QUE266)
  • Teacher name is: Mrs. Chaparro

Watch this short, instructional video to get started on the Scoreboard app (there are also instructions in the student packet).  The code you’ll need to enter in the app for Quest is QUE266.

Thank you for your support!


Parents, remember to fill out the form allowing your student to participate in our first field trip to THIS IS THE PLACE on Thursday, October 6th. Please pay field trip funds to the office or online by September 30th.


  • Monday, Sept 26th – End of Cookie Dough Fundraiser
  • Tuesday, Sept 27th – Dr. Dave’s Birthday!
  • Friday, Sept 23rd – If you are ordering a sac lunch for the field trip, today is the last day. Four lucky chaperone winners will be picked for our field trip Friday, Sept. 30th – Dollar Dress Down Day. Field trip donation deadline $5
  • Thursday, Oct 6th – This is the Place Field Trip 8:35-2:30. Depart from Quest via buses

Week of September 26-30th…

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Next Week in our Class

Week of September 19, 2022

We are excited for our Cookie Dough Fundraiser!!! Please watch this video for an explanation of the fundraiser and to better understand the contents of the packet being sent home with your child today.

Our long anticipated classroom desks are finally being delivered, and we need YOU! We are asking for help in unloading the desks from the truck and transporting them down to classrooms. Desks are scheduled to be delivered on Monday, September 19 at 1:00pm We are hoping they will be delivered as scheduled, but we are asking any volunteers to be a little flexible with that time frame. 

Teachers will be reaching out as well to solicit volunteers for adjusting legs on their desks before they can be placed in the classrooms.

Please add your name HERE if you are able to help for any amount of time that day.

Thank you so much for your help!

This week we are learning…

ELA – Unit 1 Week 4
Sub standards – Add and Subtract Whole Numbers
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This Week in our Class…(and Field Trip Info)

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Our first field trip will be Thursday, October 6th, 2021. We will be going to “This is the Place Heritage Park” in Salt lake city.

I have attached a google form with information that you will need to fill out for your child. I have attached part of the form so you can read about it in advance before filling out the form.

FYI I need a form filled out for each of my students before they can attend our field trip.




This week in math we are reviewing a few of our substandards. Rounding Whole Numbers and Adding Whole Numbers. I will be emailing parents inviting students who are not proficient in power standards to come to tutoring this week.

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This Week in Class…

This week has been so fun to see these 4th graders in action! We have practiced routines and procedures for weeks and now we get to see learning take off! It’s been so fun to see personalities and strengths in the classroom as we get to know each other better!

Just a reminder that if you have not paid your $30.00 donation for school supplies you can pay it in the office or online under “Current Families.” Choose “Online Payments” and enter “Mrs. Chaparro” and the amount.

We have started our novel study! The book “Punished” will be sent home tomorrow, September 8. Students have until September 22nd to read the book and return it to school. This is a great way for students to accomplish their 20 minutes of daily required reading and able to participate in our Book Club Discussions. Make sure your student is READING every night!!


Starting this Thursday night and every Thursday night moving forward, parents and students will be asked to fill out the REPORT HOMEWORK link found on my blog!

TUTORING will begin next week!

Tutoring will be by invitation only. You will receive an email inviting your child if they did not pass our math standards with proficiency.

Tutoring Times: Tuesday after school -3:20-3:50 and Thursday Mornings 7:55-8:25

This week in Math and ELA…

This Week In Math!
This Week in ELA!


  • Monday, Sept 5th – Labor Day – NO SCHOOL!
  • Thursday, Sept 15th – Cookie Dough Fundraiser Begins
  • Monday, Sept 26th – End of Cookie Dough Fundraiser
  • Friday, Sept. 30th – Dollar Dress Down Day
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This Week in 4th Grade

This week in ELA

This Week in Math

Our First Science Unit

REMINDER for the upcoming week. Tuesday, August 30th is picture day! Your student should have brought home a photo packet yesterday (Thursday). You can send that photo form back in OR order pictures online by clicking on this link. Bellphoto Usecode: QuestAcadESFall2022 when ordering.

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I’m so Excited!!

It was so wonderful to meet you all last night! I am so excited to get to know your child better this year! I think we have a great group this year!

Few things to remember: Have your child bring their “What’s in the Sack” filled with 3 objects they can share about themselves. If your child did not pick theirs up last night, I will send one home tomorrow to bring back this week.

Remember to remind your child that they will go out back on Wednesday before school starts. No students will be let down the hall into classrooms.

Back to School Supplies - Shop Online & In Store
Thanks for paying your student fees and donations! This makes it easier for me to purchase their supplies in advance. If you haven’t yet, you can pay them soon.

REMEMBER: Students are responsible for a pencil box and headphones/earbuds due the first day.
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Welcome to 4th Grade!!

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I am so excited that you are in my class! Here are a few things to keep in mind as you are enjoying the rest of your summer!

Back to School Night on August 15th. The first day of school is August 17. Students will have a 3 day week (August 17-19). The first three days are early out days with dismissal at 1:20 (NEW this year).

PARENTS~~Here are a few things you can do now:
1)  Please subscribe to my blog by clicking on the right and inputting your email address. 2)  Fill out the class disclosure and student survey.3) Pay the class supply fee.

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Class Disclosure and Survey

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