Valentines Day Information

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Our class will be passing out Valentine’s cards Monday, February 14th at 2:30. Students may bring a Valentine’s box to collect their special notes. If they don’t bring one, I will provide a bag for them to use. It is optional to bring Valentine’s card/prize to pass out, if they do, they need to bring enough for 26 students. Please don’t address them to a specific kids. Simply, sign them.

Sign this Permission Slip for Valentines Day

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Parent Teacher Conferences!

Click here to sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences

Use the link above to sign up for PTC. They will be held on February 2nd and 3rd beginning at 1:20. They will be held in-person in our classroom. We have short days these two days. Additionally, don’t forget that students do not have school on Friday, February 4th.

If you can’t make these dates or times, please let me know. I still want to find another date/time to meet. Thanks!

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Christmas is coming fast!

Friday, December 10, permission slip to participate in Rendezvous are due. CLICK here to fill this out. Don’t forget that we have early out this day.

Monday, December 13Rendezvous items are due this day. Please send them to school with your child. See previous post for those details. They can come down to the room to drop them off before going outside. 

Tuesday, December 14, Rendezvous posters day. We will be making our posters in class to display during our economic fair. If you have any markers that you would be willing to donate for this activity-please send them 🙂

Wednesday, December 15, Quest student sing-a-long with the principals (in the morning). White Elephant Party. Details below.

I will have a substitute on Thursday and Friday and I don’t want to miss the fun so we are going to have a WHITE ELEPHANT gift exchange Wednesday at the end of the day. Please send a wrapped prize to exchange-don’t label who the gift is from. It is optional to bring gifts. I would like all of the kids to participate if they are here on Wednesday, December 15th. If you would rather me buy the gift and bring it for the students, please let me know. So, that I have time to gather and wrap any extra gifts. Email is best. Please have the gifts here by Monday, December 13. Students can start bringing those in anytime beginning today. If you can, please send an extra gift for the students that forget one or can’t bring one. The gift should be something from home or something less than $5. No food can be brought for the white elephant prize.

Thursday, December 16, Quest concert performance in the morning 9:45-10:30. Fourth grade Rendezvous will be held in the Q1 Gym from 2:00-2:45. This is a fun activity for all who come! ALL are welcome including smaller siblings. Guests will receive complementary “pelts” at the door to spend too. 

Friday, December 17! and it is our Christmas grade party. Ugly sweater are encouraged. We will be rotating into different 4th grade classrooms. This will be similar to our Halloween grade party.

Our Classroom Christmas CLASS PARTY:  It is always fun to have students bring prize bags to share with the class (we have 26 kids). Feel free to do this, if you would like to. Our other fourth grade classes did this for the HALLOWEEN party, kids had fun prizes brought it to play with and take home. THEY LOVED IT!

Party snacks. During Christmas party, students can bring in snacks and a small drink to snack on during the day. They will not be able to share any snacks with other students. Please only send quantities they consume. ALSO, a small blanket and/or pillow can come to chill on. Maybe a furry friend too 😉

Teacher gifts are always welcomed 😉 I love AMAZON gift cards (which I used to buy classroom fun) or Starbucks gifts cards. I love Dr. Pepper also!

I love teaching yours kiddos! They are truly amazing little humans! Happy Holidays! FRIDAY IS EARLY OUT! We are out for Winter break. See the kids back on January 3, 2022!!!

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We will be having our annual 4th-grade Rendezvous (a.k.a. the Economics Fair) the last week before Christmas Break on Thursday, December 16th.

To be ready for this event, students will need to make 30 products or plan a service to “sell” during the rendezvous (please keep the expense very low. I recommend making each item well under the value of $1. Be creative and use things you already have. Nature is filled with free supplies.) Some examples are (but are not limited to): Use your imagination. We have had in the past: flower pens, play dough, slime, hand warmers, jewelry, and other simple crafts. You pick what you would like to bring BUT no food items will be allowed. The kids will be learning about economics. But as their parent, talk to them about why it is a good sales strategy to make something that no one else has. That way, you can charge more for the product because you won’t have any competition. HIGH DEMAND=MORE SALES/PROFIT  ;) Your overall profit will reward you with bragging rights. We don’t use any “real” money.

From now until the rendezvous, students will have the opportunity to earn “animal pelts.” This is our form of money/currency given out by 4th Grade Teachers to be used to buy things at the rendezvous from other students. You will turn in your paper pelts afterward. Whatever you choose to make should be homemade. Students should use materials that can be found around the house to make their products. Any cost involved in purchasing materials should be minimal. Students will need to make 30 items to sell.  Please let the students make this product/service with minimal help from grown-ups.  Rendezvous items are due Monday, December 13th. This will assure that students are ready to sell that week. It will also give time for teachers to help students price their products and make a poster in class. AGAIN, the product posters are being made in class. Lastly, please fill out this Google Form to allow your student to participate. 


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This Week in Class…

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Reindeer Run!! Sign Up Now!

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Parent Teacher Conferences and Weekly Schedule

I have a few of you who haven’t signed up for Parent Teacher Conferences. I would love to have you schedule a time to meet and talk about how your student is doing! Click on the link to sign up!!

There will be NO TUTORING this week due to conferences. Please plan on resuming tutoring next week. I will email you directly if your child is in need of tutoring for a particular skill.

Tomorrow will be our last full day of school. Plan on early dismissal for Wednesday and Thursday. There will be no school on Friday!

I’m looking forward to meeting with all of you! 🙂

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Canned Food Drive

Dear Quest Families,

It is that time of year for our annual BESST Realty Food Drive. We love participating in this event because it helps so many people in our community. We will be collecting canned food donations until Wednesday, November 3rd. Quest students will also have an opportunity to bring 5 canned food items on Tuesday, November 2nd to participate in a dress down day.

Parent Teacher Conferences are coming up on Wednesday, November 3rd and Thursday, November 4th. The elementary parent teacher conferences will be scheduled through your child’s teacher.  The jr. high will have on-campus conferences on Wednesday and virtual conferences on Thursday.

Quest Administration

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Field Trip Tomorrow!!

This Is the Place Field Trip Information

In preparation for our 4th grade field trip on Tuesday October 5th, there are a couple things we need to make sure everyone is aware of. 

Students and the chosen class chaperones need to be ontime (8:25am) to school that morning. Chaperones, please pay your admission fee at Quest ($5). The bus will be loaded promptly at 8:45am. We will be traveling by bus to This Is The Place Heritage Park in Salt Lake City. Since the bus ride is about an hour long, students are allowed to bring a book or small cards to play with on the bus. NO ELECTRONICS — including cell phones will be permitted. Cell phones will not be allowed because they can’t be safely monitored by teachers. Please go over with your student proper bus behavior before that morning. We should arrive at This is the place around 9:50-10:00am. 

Parents, if you are driving up and meeting us there, you will need to park in the normal parking lot and pay your park entrance fee before going in. Please arrive before we do. If your student rides with you there, they will be marked absent from school that day and will have to pay the park admission fee to enter.

Students will still be required to wear their school uniforms on the field trip. Students will also need to bring a light jacket or hoodie with them as we will be at the base of the canyon and it tends to have chilly mornings. They may bring along a small water bottle as well. Each student will also need a backpack that day to hold their jackets, lunches and water bottles. If they ordered school lunch they would receive it that morning to carry. If they are bringing home lunch, make sure to bring it (students will not share food).

We will be reloading buses at 1:00pm and will arrive back at school at about 2:05pm. Your students will be back in time for the normal after school pick up. 

Also if you are still willing to pay the $3 student donation, please pay online or to the office A.S.A.P. 

We hope for a fun day with all of our students. 


The 4th grade teachers

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Class Party Permission Slip

Our class worked so hard this week to earn our class party. Hooray! They got it done! I am so proud of them. This is such a great group of kids. We have decided on a Read-a-Thon party next Friday, September 24. Your student is welcome to bring ONE treat and ONE drink from home along with ONE blanket or pillow that can be carried easily under their arm.  A couple of things to keep in mind.
1. The drink MUST have a cap on it.2. The treat is ONLY for your child. Please don’t send a class set of treats.
The link below will take you to the permission slip for our Class Party and a place to sign saying you understand the expectations of our party.


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