Testing schedule

Dear wonderful parents,
SAGE testing begins this week. Please feed your child breakfast and make sure they get a good night’s sleep so they can do their very best. They are so much more than a test score to me (and you), but I still want them to show just how smart they are. Here is our SAGE testing schedule:

April 24 1:50-2:50
April 25 1:00-2:00

May 1 10:45-11:45
May 2 10:50-11:50

May 8 10:45-11:45
May 10 10:45 – 11:45

May 15 10:35-11:35
May 17 10:35-11:35

If your child must be absent during this time there are make-up times available, but they really do best if they can test with peers. If you have questions or concerns please email me. Thank you!

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