Homework Feb. 5-8

Go do your homework on Google and do your Front Row Ed assignments. Please notice I put up two videos for you. One is mostly from our January STEM challenge and the other is the King Henry video. Watch for a Valentine’s Day announcement later this week. Please do not be disappointed but that day will NOT be a large party day. We have work to do that day, but we will have some time to celebrate the day. 🙂 See you in the classroom!

Homework Jan 29-Feb. 1

Your homework is on google classroom.
This week in spelling we are studying changing the -y ending of a word to an “i” and adding endings. Examples are: worried and replied, and cozily and dizziest.
You will have a couple assignments on front row, we are learning metric measurements and American measurements as well.
See you in the classroom!

Homework Jan 22-25

There will be a couple Front Row assignments for you to do and you will have a document to do on Google Classroom!

Do your 20 minutes of reading each night too.

Friday, January 26 will be $1 dress down day.

I will see you in the classroom! Be on the lookout for a new STEM video to come this week!

Homework Jan 16-19

We will have an assignment for you to complete on Google classroom. Please do it. You need the math practice. There will also be Front Row Ed assignments. There will be 3 of them. They will not take you much time to do. This week we will be doing spelling. We are studying compound words like fishbowl and desktop. See you in the classroom!