This is from Quest Administration: We are hoping to get some help with an issue we are having at the school regarding missing name badges. As stated in our Handbook, “Everyone is required to wear their name badge to attend class (the name badge must be that of the current school year). Please reinforce having name badges as they create a safer environment at the school. To replace a lost name badge, your child will need to pay $5.00 for a new one. A student without a name badge will be referred to the office to call home. Parents/Guardians will be expected to bring their child’s name badge or pay $5.00 for a replacement. Only then will students be allowed to return to class.” Elementary students are to leave their name badges in their classrooms at the end of the day. Jr. High students are encouraged to leave their name badges in their lockers before leaving. To ensure your child receives a full day’s worth of learning in the classroom, please make sure their name badge is left at school and returned the following day if accidentally taken home. Please note, that you have this week as a grace period to either find your child’s lost name badge or replace it for $5.00. Starting Tuesday, January 16 (one week from today), students who do not have name badges will not be attending class until a new one is purchased or their old one is returned. If parents are working when their children call, they are more than welcome to either pay for a badge using a credit card over the phone or to pay online.

Homework Jan. 8-11

We are studying plural words in spelling. Some words just need to have an “s” added to them like clam becomes clams. Other words need to have “es” added, like dress becomes dresses. Other words that end with “Y” drop the “y” and -ies. Remember not all words ending in y follow that rule. One word that drops the y and adds ies is like baby changes to babies. Math There will be 2 front row ed assignments for you to do. Google Classroom I will have a document up for you to do somethings on! See you in the classroom.

Homework Jan 3-5

Welcome back!
New reading logs for the month of January will go home today. Please be sure to turn in December and I will get a pizza coupon out to you!

There will be one assignment on Front Row ed to do with factors and multiples (that’s what we are learning in math).

So glad you all made it back!

Homework Dec. 11-14

I know it’s so hard to have homework the week before we are off, but STAY STRONG! We will have a great week with Rendezvous and Christmas party on Friday!

This week in spelling we are studying soft c and soft g. We will have words like center and once for soft c. For soft g we will have words like bridge and village.

Your work will be on Classroom Google and you will have two Front Row assignments.