Teacher Appreciation

Hi! I wanted to thank you all for an amazing teacher appreciation week. I have felt appreciated by the kids, and without them I wouldn’t even be where I am. Thank you for the gifts, notes, and most of all smiling faces. I call my students, “my kids” and have at times had to clarify my speaking by saying, “my kids at school. The ones I teach!” I want you all to know that each student is treasured by me and I am grateful that they are in my class! Thank you.

Homework May 2

It’s scary how many days we have left together. Scary but makes me sad at the same time because I’ve had such a wonderful year with you all.

Testing this week – Writing test is on Tuesday and Thursday from 9:45 to 10:45. Be on time those days. Eat breakfast. Get lots of rest!

Front Row Math – I will have two review assignments for you. #95 and #33

Read – 20 minutes a night and record on Thursday night

Spelling lists

Titanic diorama

The fourth grade team would like to invite everyone to see and participate in our
Titanic STEM Project. Over the last month we have been studying and researching the RMS Titanic. The 4th grade students partnered up to create a diorama of the different rooms within the ship.
On Mrs. Smedley’s bulletin board is our diorama and Aurasma display. To enjoy
the display completely, your students will be able use the Aurasma app on the IPads with the pictures below the diorama. Before you come down please follow the instructions below:

Scan the attached QR code with each IPad. The code will then take you to our Aurasma page on the internet.

Click on the “Follow” button
Click on the “Follow in App” button. You will then be taken to the Aurasma app. (You only have to do
this once, after the first time you can simply go straight to the Aurasma App.)

When you are on the Aurasma App you simply point the camera at the picture you
want to look at. (The camera is located in the bottom center of your screen, it is a purple circle with an outline of a camera in it.) The dots on the screen will move in and out until they focus on the picture. A smaller picture will then appear. You
simply double click on the smaller picture and listen to the details about the Titanic. You can repeat the process of pointing the camera at the pictures until you have listened to all 12.

Please have your students use their headphones with the IPads to ensure they
are able to hear the details from the Aurasma App. Because this project is in the hall you are welcome to come anytime that works best with your class, please just remember testing is going on and students will need to be silent in the halls.

Our students have worked very hard on this project and are excited to share it with you.

4th Grade Team

School Carnival/Spirit night/POQA board

We have a wonderful and amazing POQA here! They have some news:
First, it is time to submit nominations for the 2016-2017 POQA Board.  The following positions are open, President Elect, Secretary and Treasurer.  This is a great way to continue to make Quest the BEST!!!  If you would like to submit a nomination for yourself or nominate someone else, fill out the form located in the Q1 and Q2 offices and return it to Angelee in the Q1 office by Friday, April 29th.

Second, our school Carnival is going to be May 20th 5-8PM at the school.  Pre-sale tickets are on sale now at a discounted price. Please go to https://squareup.com/store/poqa to purchase pre-sell tickets.

Please don’ t forget tomorrow is Spirit Night at Chick-fil-a in Riverdale from 5-7PM.  Mention Quest Academy and they will donate 25% back to the school.  Please share this with family and friends.

Last parent/teacher conference

Wonderful parents. It is time for the last parent/teacher conference of the year. I will miss these kiddos so much they have been so awesome! There are a few parents I haven’t seen. Please come see me. Conferences are Thursday, April 28th from 3:30-4:30. Email me (kstone@questac.org) for your time preference. 3:30, 3:45, 4, 4:15.

Homework April 25

Happy Monday! Here is our homework for the week. We will be starting a review in math, so the work on Front Row will be things you have already learned. I hope you can dig within your brain and remember how to do all the important things I have taught you this year and if you don’t, let me know so I can help you out.
FRED – there will be 2 assignments for you. They are review. #32 and #76.

Read – 20 minutes and record your reading Thursday night.
