Homework Feb 22

Hello lovely 4th graders. This week we will be back to having our Words Their Way lists. I am hoping you know what list you are part of because I don’t have the list of names that tells me what group you are in! However, I am pretty sure most of you know what list you are, and if you don’t, you can check the board tomorrow. I have not changed anyone’s group.
Math: Also, there will be two math assignments that need completed on Front Row Ed. We will be starting measurement this week after we finish up multiplying fractions. They are assignment #98 and #05. Do #98 first because it is fractions.
Read: at least 20 minutes per night!
I will post pictures to the blog when I can, I don’t have the ipad cord with me to download a cool picture for you right now!





Green Apple

Valentine form…sorry

Sorry there was a small issue with the Valentine e-slip. That has been fixed! It was only letting you choose one or the other. We will be using both sugar cookies and candy hearts. It should NOW let you choose if your child can have both. If you already submitted your permission don’t worry about it unless there is a reason they cannot have one or the other. Thank you for your patience while I get these electronic permission slips figured out. They can be tricky and it’s my first year using them! 🙂

Homework Feb. 8-11

Hello wonderful 4th graders! I hope you got all your talking out over the weekend so we can have a much quieter week.
This week there will be two new assignments for you to complete on Front Row Ed. One will be review and one will be new information we will be working on for the week.

Takada, Andrew, Landon, JJ, Avery, Austin, Brooklin

Kyle, Reese, Kinsey, Caden

Savannah, Alex F, Avena, Trinity, Joe, Raina, Marlen, Jaricho, Maya

Jacob, Jetson, Maddie, Micah, Abigail

Will, Alexander G

More about Valentine’s and permission slip

Get ready to be creative! Due to popular student vote, the student’s would like to make boxes to hold their Valentines that they receive from classmates. If for any reason this causes you hardship, please let me know and I will give them a paper bag they can decorate instead. Email me at kstone@questac.org if this is an issue for you.

During the class party for Valentine’s day, there will be some food items used for games. One game is going to consist of candy hearts and another class is frosting cookies. We need permission for your child to handle and possibly consume these items. There will be optional items for students not able to have these items. Please click on the link below to sign the E-permission slip.
Permission slip

Valentine’s Party

We will be having a small Valentine’s Party on Friday, February 12th from 1:00 to 2:30. Due to school rules please note :NO FOOD in the Valentine’s. Feel free to use a non-food item like pencils, erasers, tattoos, etc.There are 27 students in the classroom (counting your student). Students may bring Valentines to hand out. Due to time, please just let them put their name in the “from” section and leave the “to” section blank.

4th grade Valentine’s activity will include rotating to the other classes. At this time we are not in need of volunteers. If you are in need of hours, or really want to be here, please just let me know so I can plan on you being here.