Homework Feb 1-5

Hello 4th grade darlings!!
Math – Go to front row ed and do assignments number 09 and 10.  Do 09 first, it is review from last week. 10 is some of the new stuff we will learn this week.

Reading – READ 20 minutes a night!

Spelling groups
Snakes – Takada, Andrew, Landon, JJ, Avery, Austin, Brooklin

Mint – Kyle, Reese, Kinsey, Caden

sunflowers – Savannah, Alex F, Avena, Trinity, Joe, Raina, Marlen, Jaricho, Maya

Stars – Jacob, Jetson, Maddie, Micah, Abby

Apples – Alex G, Will

This week…

A few photos from our room.

Math interactive notebooks!


Cute kids at work!


Mrs. Deem taught the kiddos how to make an origami butterfly. I have to take a picture of our bulletin board because it looks AMAZING! I wanted the students to have the directions in case they wanted to make any more butterflies at home. Thanks, Mrs. Deem for coming and teaching them something wonderful!

homework January 25-29

New spelling groups this week guys! Now don’t be upset by the name of your group. Yes, you might have a new group. Yes, maybe you have done this sort before. Why do you have to do it again? Well, because according to our middle of the year spelling assessment, you did not learn the pattern you need to know. I am sorry, we’ll work on it, we’ll learn it and then we will move onward and upward to better things.

Front Row Ed – You have two math assignments. They are number 54 and 55. 54 is a review of what we learned last week. 55 is what we are learning this week.

Jacob, Jetson, Maddie, Micah, Abigail

Savannah, Alex F, Avena, Trinity, Joe, Raina, Marlen, Jaricho, Maya

Takada, Andrew, Landon, JJ, Avery, Austin, Brooklin

Kyle, Reese, Kinsey, Caden

Will, Alexander G.

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Parent teacher conferences will be Thursday, January 28th until 4:30. If you would like to see me PLEASE make an appointment. I try to book all openings so I usually cannot take walk-ins. Priority will be given to parents who haven’t had a conference this year. I will even do phone conferences with you. Please let me tell you how awesome your child is. I have openings at 3:30, 3:45, 4:00, and 4:15. If you feel you need more than 15 minutes let me know so I can accommodate you. Please email me at kstone@questac.org for a conference!

The permission slip…

…has been fixed so you can sign into it without any special permissions. Sorry about that.
ALLERGIES – The cookies are store bought Chips Ahoy cookies. I hope that helps any allergy people. Let your child know if it isn’t safe for them to eat the cookies. Hopefully they can still participate in the activity. Thank you for your patience in me getting the form fixed!