
This week, we have homework. I will not be sending math homework at this time as we do not have workbooks. You do have a reading log. This reading log is due back Sept. 10. I am expecting 100 minutes per week. An example of a completed reading log can be found below. Please note that homework is a Personal Responsibility item and will effect student’s Personal Responsibility grade accordingly.IMG_8631


Last week administration informed me that we are effectively banning hoodies. A student can still wear a hoodie, but will be asked to remove the hoodie before going in to the building. They also cannot put on that hoodie until they are outdoors. So on those chilly mornings, they are supposed to remove the hoodie prior to entering the building. My understanding is that this is a school security issue. If a student wanted to prevent someone from knowing who they were with a hoodie, or prevent a camera from seeing their face with one, it would be pretty easy.

If you have questions or problems with this issue, feel free to contact Quest Academy’s school board as this is where the policy originated.