Homework April 16-19

This week’s spelling will be on homophones. Words like doe and dough.

Math – We are still studying last week’s standards on story problems. Many students are struggling with the terminology and how to solve. Next we will study more story problems dealing with money and measurement.

HOMEWORK – homework is meant to be done at home. I will have an ELA assignment and a math assignment for you to do.

Homework April 9-12

Spelling words this week end in in, en, an, and on. Words like: penguin, button, woman, and woven.

Math is story problems with multiplication. Many students are still confused on how to do multiplication. Please take time to go over this essential skill with your child.

Staker-Parson Permission

Staker-Parsons is coming on March 28th to talk with 4th grade about rocks and how rocks are used in the world. Part of this activity involves students “mining” for chocolate chip cookies in rocks. The following cookies are used:
Chips Ahoy Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookie
Chips Ahoy Regular Chocolate Chip Cookie
Mother’s Brand Chocolate Chip Cookie

Since this involves food, we need your permission for your child to participate. Please sign to give permission.

Homework March 19 & information

Welcome to a new quarter! It’s a clean slate so be ready to do your best and power through to the end.

Homework will be on Front Row. There will be 2 math assignments and a reading and word study.

Friday is a paid/fund raiser dress down to help send our junior high students to a Rube Goldberg competition. If you don’t know what Rube Goldberg is check out some videos on YouTube! It’s pretty cool.

Next week we have an IN SCHOOL field trip. There is food involved and I am going to get a permission slip up for that this week. It has to be signed so you can participate!

See you in the classroom.