Homework is Due Tomorrow

Happy Weekend, almost!  Here are some tips for the homework. 
*Tomorrow is Friday and all homework for the week is due tomorrow.  If your child has not handed in their homework make sure it comes in tomorrow. 
*Parents, please sign the homework organizer and send it back in with the homework that your child has done.  I want to see how the students are doing on their homework.  
*  On the math homework make sure you see, either on the weekly homework organizer or the blog, the problems that are assigned.  If you would like your child to get the extra practice then feel free to tell them that Ms. Beckstead requires that all of the problems need to be completed. 😉
* If you have any concerns or questions about the homework please call or email me. 

Tomorrow is also our word sort spelling tests.  Please make sure your child has their word sort words down.  Thanks!!
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