Daily Archives: January 26, 2015

Math Homework for tonight!

Dear Parents and Students, During math today the students and I were only able to get to our vocabulary.  This means that there will be no math homework tonight.  If your child would like to do the math, feel free … Continue reading

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Field Trip Permission Form

Please print off permission slip for our field trip on the 10th of February.  Please sign and return the permission slip by February 5th.  Please pay $5.00 admission to the front office ASAP.  Brody Hansen paid $10.00 at the beginning … Continue reading

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Food in Class Permission Form

Dear Parents,Our class will be participating in an “Inference Activity” within the next few weeks. We will be using food to help understand the inference used in videos/statements. Students will be given a few different food items during this activity. … Continue reading

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