Last Week of School!

I cannot believe the title for this post!!  This year has been amazing and I am going to miss your children so much!  We have a busy week ahead of us. 
  • No homework this week!
  • Today we started creating food truck menus and we will work on them all week.
  • Wednesday afternoon, we will be working on creating an iMovie with pictures from the school year (if you have any photos of our class, please send them to me ASAP)!
  • Thursday, art books go home along with a whole lot of other stuff.  We will be cleaning this day! This is an early out day at 1:00!
  • Field Day is on Friday, May 27th. This is our last day of school, FREE Dress Down Day and early out at 1:00. Please have your children wear their tie dyed shirts to school on Field Day. **Send a bag lunch with your child on this day. No school lunch will be provided.**
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