Homework for the week of Sept. 6-9

I hope that everyone had a great long weekend.  I know that I did!  This week we start homework.  


  • Prodigy homework starts this week.  If you did not link your prodigy account to mine last week, you need to do it this week.  Please see the post from last week on how to do this step.  
  • I have assigned three assignments for your child to work on this week.  We will work on the first assignment in class tomorrow and I will show them what it looks like when they are doing homework.  We will talk about how long it should take to do an assignment, what playing vs. working looks like, and what to do when no one will battle with you.
  • On Wednesday and Thursday, students will complete the other two assignments at home.  Each assignment has 5 problems. 
  • Students do not need to submit their math homework.  I will see if each student has completed their assignments.


Please have your child submit their reading minutes on Friday at the latest.  Your child should be reading 2o minutes at least 5 times a week.  Under the homework tab, there is a homework e-submission tab, you will find the reading minutes form there. 


We will be working on our spelling words in class again this week.  We will be using the same words that we used last week and we will be learning how to type them and then submit them.  Once again, this will all be done in class this week.  Starting next week, students will be doing this online.
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