Monthly Archives: May 2022

The Last Week of School

I cannot believe that I am writing our last weekly blog post. Although it is the last week, we still have a ton of stuff going on. Please check out the important dates sections below for all of our happenings … Continue reading

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Tie Dye T-Shirts

Hello Parents,  We tie dyed t-shirts today at school and now we need your help to finish this fun project. Students will be bringing their wet, tie dyed t-shirts home, in a plastic bag. All you need to do is the … Continue reading

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Volunteer Help Wanted

Hello Grown Ups! Next week we will have have a few different opportunities to volunteer with our class. The first opportunity will be our Multiplication Ice Cream Party on Tuesday, the 24th from . Our class needs 4 volunteers to … Continue reading

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The Week of May 16th

We made it through the first week of testing. WAHOO! We will continue testing this week with our Math Rise test and our Dibels reading test. Please make sure that you are reading with your child every night. Multiplication Ice … Continue reading

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The Week of May 9th

We made it through the first week of May. YAY!! Our schedule last week was full a practice testing and reviewing for our upcoming RISE test. We start on Monday. Please make sure that your child is getting a good … Continue reading

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The Week of May 2nd!

Oh my goodness! We are now into May and that means that there are only 2o school days left. We have so much to get done in this short amount of time, so please make sure that your child is … Continue reading

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