The Week of September 12th!

Hello Grown Ups! We are now in full swing and I am loving it!! Your kiddos have been amazing at making new friends, learning to be problem solvers, following classroom routines, and winning a special place in my heart. This is a stellar group of students and I am so excited that I get to teach and learn with them.

I want to give everyone a heads up that I will not be at school from September 15th-23rd. I will be in Hawaii with my amazing family celebrating my parents 55 wedding anniversary. I have an amazing sub that will be with our class for the 7 school days that I will be gone. Her name is Cami Kearns and she is AWESOME!!! I have told the students that I will not be here during this time to help them prep for the upcoming sub. Many students have asked to come with me and that makes my heart happy. Please know that I will not be checking school emails or Bloomz during this time. You can send me a message, but please be aware that I will not respond until I am back in the classroom on Monday, the 26th.


  • Thursday, Sept 15th – Cookie Dough Fundraiser Begins
  • Monday, Sept 26th – End of Cookie Dough Fundraiser
  • Friday, Sept. 30th – Dollar Dress Down Day

MATH: We will start lesson 3 this week which is subtraction. Below is the family letter explaining how we subtract and it includes an activity that helps with subtraction. If you would like to give your child extra practice with subtraction, this activity would be an excellent option to use.

ELA: This week we will be working on Week 4 in our Wonders program. Below is an outline of what we are learning in class.

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