- It’s that time of year again! Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on January 29th and 31st from 3:13-7:30. I will be using Bloomz for conference sign ups. ***If you haven’t already, please subscribe to my blog and get the BLOOMZ app and create an account. The BLOOMZ class code is 937QF9.
- Super Bowl Inference Party
- We will be watching Super Bowl commercials and using inference to tell what the companies are trying to sell.
- The permission slip at the beginning of the year covered the permissions to have orange soda/sprite, nacho Doritos, and Twinkies.
- if you have any objections, please let me know ASAP (I do know that I have several food restrictions, so if you listed them on the food permission form, I have seen them and have contacted you.)
- Valentine’s Day Party!
- We will be having a Valentine’s Day Party on Thursday, February 14th from 1:30-3:00. Please send 25 Valentine cards with each of your students on Valentine’s Day to pass out. (Students can also bring their own Valentine mailbox or bag, we will not be making them at school.) To make passing them out easier, please only have your child sign their name on each card–PLEASE DO NOT ADDRESS EACH CARD. Another reminder, please do not attach candy or food to the Valentine Cards, but you can be creative and do pencils, erasers, etc.
We will finishing up our two-step word problem unit on Monday and then we will move onto fractions.
Language Arts in Class
We will be working in problem and solutions this week with our story , “Martina the Beautiful Cockroach” which is an folktale and our essential question is: What makes animals unique?
Important Dates:
Monday – STEM
– Multiplication Madness Starts
Tuesday – Library @ 9:30 – Please remember your books!!
– Parent Teacher Conferences
Thursday – Parent Teacher Conferences
Friday – Super Bowl Inference Party
February 14th – Valentine’s Day Party @ 1:30
February 18th – President’s Day–No School
February 27th – Aquarium Field Trip – Permission form & money due on February 15th!
April 10th – Museum of Curiosity Field Trip – Permission form & money due on March 29th!
Reading Homework
Our goal is to have student’s read 20 minutes per night.
Math Homework
Each student will need to get onto www.reflexmath.com (access under student links on the Quest website, or on the blogs sidebar under Class Links) and complete their “green light” Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (3 sessions). Just in case students don’t remember, the class username is “Beckstead3″ and all passwords are “rams”. If students do not complete Reflex at home they will complete it during recess time.