The Week of September 9th!

Important Dates:
 * Wednesday, Sept. 11th – Coding Lab @ 8:40 & STEM Lab @ 2:15
 * Tuesday, Sept. 10th – HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AIDEN!!
 * Friday, Sept. 13th- Library @ 8:40 &  READING LOGS ARE DUE!!
 * Friday, Sept 13th – Fundraising Forms and Money Due!
****If you haven’t paid your $30.00 donation for your child’s school supplies, you may do so at the front office or call the school 801-731-9859 and pay over the phone. ****
***If you have not subscribed to BLOOMZ, please do so as soon as possible! Our class code is BUJ8TP***

This year our fundraiser is through a partnership with Denik and Schools Building Schools. We are selling a variety of notebooks, journals, sketchbooks and prints with artwork from artists around the world. Please support Quest by helping your child sell some items in the catalog. 
  • A few important details about this fundraiser:
    • Fundraising forms are due Friday, September 13th
    • Cash and checks are accepted. Make Checks payable to Quest Academy
    • A link is being established for online orders. I will send this out as soon as it is available.
    • Watch this video for more information about the fundraiser:“”
We tested on three digit addition last week and the students did amazing.  This week we will be focusing on subtracting three digit numbers.  
Lesson 3 Family Page 1Lesson 3 Family Page 2

The form below explains our Language Arts curriculum for the week.  It outlines what we will be talking about, the stories we will be reading, our vocabulary words, and our phonics patterns for the week.  We will be doing a weekly spelling test, however I will not be putting in a score for these spelling tests.  I will use the words off of the list outlined, but in class we will brainstorm new words to add to it.  You can review the words on this list, but it is not required.
Unit 1 Week 3 Weekly Outline

I have already had three students pass off a poem for the month.  The students who passed it off did a great job and the other students loved watching them perform.  Please help your child work on memorizing these poems at home.  Each month students are required to memorize at least one poem.  Below is the months poems.  We only read through these in class once, so they need to be practiced at home.  Students can pass off poems on Fridays whenever they are ready to recite them.  
Screen Shot 2019-09-01 at 11.46.57 AM

**Reading Homework – Students are required to read 20 minutes a night.  Please fill out the reading log that was sent home at the beginning of the month.  You can also  download it here.  There are four sections, one for each week.  Cut out the section for the week and send it back to school with your child on Friday.  
**Math Homework – Reflex will start this week.  Students can access Reflex Math under the class links on the side of our class blog, or under the Student Links on the Quest website.  The Teacher Username is: Beck3 and the students password in their computer login password.  An example of student passwords is: lb123rams.  It is the students first and last initials, 3 digits and then rams.  If you have any questions on how your child logs in, feel free to contact me.    
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