Category Archives: Class News

Help Wanted!!

We are looking for a few good men and women to help us out with our Multiplication Madness Party.  We need help on Thursday from 1:30 – 3:00.  Please email me if you would like to help! Thanks!

Posted in Class News, Love, Miss Beckstead | Leave a comment

Book Orders

Hi Parents and Students, A book order was sent home yesterday.  To order, all you need to do go onto my blog and under links there is a Scholastic Book Order link.  Just click and it takes you to our … Continue reading

Posted in Class News, Love, Miss Beckstead | Leave a comment

Strawberry Ice Cream Help!

The third grade needs help!  Our class is assigned to bring the strawberry ice cream for our multiplication madness party on Thursday afternoon.  Our class is assigned to bring 10 half-gallons of strawberry ice cream.  So far only one parent … Continue reading

Posted in Class News, Love, Miss Beckstead | Leave a comment

Homework for the Week of Jan. 5th

Welcome Back!! I hope everyone had a great break! Homework will be a little different this week. I will be doing some spelling tests to determine if each child is placed in the right sort group. This could mean that … Continue reading

Posted in Class News, Homework, Language Arts, Math | Leave a comment

Clark Planetarium Field Trip Permission Form

Hello Everyone! I hope that you have had a great break so far! The third grade is planning a field trip for Friday, the 9th. So here is the permission slip that we need to have filled out and brought … Continue reading

Posted in Class News, Love, Miss Beckstead | Leave a comment

Grinch Party Thursday!!

Parents and Students,We are having our grinch party Thursday and I still need permission forms for treats from some of you.   The treat form is a few posts below this post and you can submit it online.  Your child cannot … Continue reading

Posted in Class News, Love, Miss Beckstead | Leave a comment

Winter Fantasy Song

Parents and students, under the class links on the right side of the blog, you will see the link for Winter Fantasy. This is a song that we are learning to perform for the sing-a-long that the school is having … Continue reading

Posted in Class News, Love, Miss Beckstead | Leave a comment

The Grinch Party


Posted in Class News, Love, Miss Beckstead | Leave a comment

Kindness Tree

Hey parents, We have started a kindness tree in our classroom.  Every student has been able to earn a decoration to add to the tree for being kind.  Ask your student and find out how he or she was kind … Continue reading

Posted in Class News, Love, Miss Beckstead | Leave a comment

Homework for week of Dec. 1st

***Homework Organizer***Directions: Always keep the homework organizer in your homework folder. Each day place a check in the box when you finish your homework. Have a parent initial the column and bring back this sheet every day in your homework folder. Students are … Continue reading

Posted in Class News, Homework, Language Arts, Math | Leave a comment