Category Archives: Math

Homework for the Week of April 11th!

AnnouncementsMonday is a free dress down day for pictures!We have finished with elapsed time, and we are now moving on to capacity.Google Slide Presentations will continue this week.  The students will have to stand in front of the class and … Continue reading

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Math Homework Change!

Parents and Students, On Thursday night I have changed how many problems that need to be done.  Please only do the odd problems.  If your child has completed Thursday nights homework already, I will give them two stickers for their … Continue reading

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Math Homework for Tuesday Night!

Parents and Students, We did not get to number lines and elapsed time today in class, so there will not be any math homework for tonight.  If your child has already completed the number line assignment, please hang on to … Continue reading

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Homework for the Week of March 21st!

AnnouncementsWe are starting elapsed time in math.We are still working on our google slides and, hopefully, the students will start give their presentations.The Gala is Monday night.  You can still buy basket tickets on Monday and the winners will be … Continue reading

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Homework for the Week of March 14th!

Announcements We do not have school on Friday!  So. please submit reading log and sorts on Wednesday night and bring in math on Thursday.In math we are working on interpreting data from line plots.We are learning how to use Google Slides … Continue reading

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Homework for the week of March 7th!

AnnouncementsIn math we are moving on to reading different types of graphs.If you do not know how to see your child’s work on Seesaw, please let me know.  Seesaw is a really cool class blog that your child posts to … Continue reading

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Homework for the Week of Feb. 29th!

AnnouncementsA huge THANK YOU to all the parents who helped with the our field trip.  We had a lot of fun!If you do not know how to see your child’s work on Seesaw, please let me know.  Seesaw is a … Continue reading

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No Math Homework for Thursday Night!

Parents and Students, In math today, we did not get to ordering fractions.  The homework is all about ordering fractions, so please do not have your child do the math homework.  We will have a free pass tonight on homework.

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Homework for the Week of Feb. 22

AnnouncementsOur field trip is on Wednesday, the 24!We ran out of time for Idioms on Seesaw, so please look for out Idioms this week!We are working on equivalent fractions and ordering fractions in Math this week. Parent Teacher Conferences are on … Continue reading

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Homework for the Week of Feb. 16th!

A huge THANK YOU to all the parents who helped out with our Multiplication Madness Party.  THANK YOU for donating chocolate ice cream and bananas and for coming in to help out.  THANK YOU! THANK YOU!Announcements:No School on Monday! I … Continue reading

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