The Week of September 9th!

I hope you had a fabulously long Labor Day weekend. I am excited to see everyone tomorrow and I have missed their faces! 🙂 Below is what we will be working on this week. Just a reminder that if you have not paid your $30.00 donation for school supplies you can pay it to the office. Also, if you have not signed up for BLOOMZ, please do so ASAP. Our class code is: E3TQPW. PLEASE SIGN UP!! Please remember that if you have any questions, or concerns, to contact me. Thank you!

Important Dates:

  • Tuesday, 9/8 – Coding @ 2:00
  • Wednesday, 9/10 – Library @ 2:30
  • Friday, 9/11 – STEM @ 8:45 & Early out @ 1:00

MATH: We are still working on rounding. We will be finishing up our math slides and playing some rounding games.

ELA: Below is an outline of what we will be learning in class.

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The Week of August 31st – Sept. 4th

We had an amazing first week of school. Your kids are amazing and I am so lucky that they are in our class. To help you keep on top of what we are doing in class, I will be posting what we are doing every week. Here you will find what we are working on in Math, ELA, and other going ons in our class. I will also post important dates that you will need to remember. Just a reminder that if you have not paid your $30.00 donation for school supplies you can pay it to the office. Also, if you have not signed up for BLOOMZ, please do so ASAP. Our class code is: E3TQPW. PLEASE SIGN UP!!

Video Permission Form: For the next 8 weeks we have the wonderful opportunity to have Mrs. Weatbrook in our class. She is a student teacher who will be learning and teaching in our classroom. For her schooling she will need to record lesson that she is teaching. Please CLICK HERE to fill out the attached form by Monday August, 31st. If you have any questions feel free to contact me. THANK YOU!


  • Tuesday, Sept. 1st – Picture Day – See below for flyer and order information
  • Thursday, Sept. 3rd – Short Day
  • Friday, Sept. 4th – No School
  • Monday, Sept. 7th – Labor Day! No School
Picture Day is Coming Soon!
Quest Academy (Elementary)
Tues, September 1st, 2020
Prepay Code: questes2020
To preview package options and prepay online, CLICK HERE
footer graphic

MATH: We are starting rounding this week and will work on it for the next few weeks. This is a very hard concept for students to master. Below is the family letter from our math work book the explains what we are doing in class. On the second page of the letter, there is an activity to help students with rounding. You are not required to do the activity, it is just a suggestion if you would like your child to practice at home.

ELA: We are starting our Wonders reading program this week. Below is an outline of what we are learning in class. We will also finish our reading diagnostic.

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Video Permission Form

For the next 8 weeks we have the wonderful opportunity to have Mrs. Weatbrook in our class. She is a student teacher who will be learning and teaching in our classroom. For her schooling she will need to record lesson that she is teaching. Please CLICK HERE to fill out the attached form by Monday August, 31st. If you have any questions feel free to contact me. THANK YOU!

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First Week of School!

We had an amazing first two days of school. Your children already have a place in my heart and I am so excited for the school year. To help you keep on top of what we are doing in class, I will be posting what we are doing every week. Here you will find what we are working on in Math, ELA, and other going ons in our class. I will also post important dates that you will need to remember. Just a reminder that if you have not paid your $30.00 donation for school supplies you can pay it to the office. Also, if you have not signed up for BLOOMZ, please do so ASAP. Our class code is: E3TQPW. PLEASE SIGN UP!!


  • Thursday, Aug. 27th – Short Day
  • Friday, Aug. 28th – NO SCHOOL
  • Tuesday, Sept 1st – Picture Day! More details to come soon!
  • Thursday, Sept. 3rd – Short Day
  • Friday, Sept. 4th – NO SCHOOL
  • Monday, Sept 7th – Labor Day – NO SCHOOL

MATH: We are reviewing math this week. We will go over place values, comparing numbers, and adding numbers. We will also start our math diagnostic.

ELA: We are starting our Wonders reading program this week. Below is an outline of what we are learning in class. We will also start our reading diagnostic.

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Virtual Back To School Night!

I am so excited that it is finally back to school night! You can watch the video below, and then if you have any questions, you can join my Zoom meeting from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm tonight (7/18/2020) by clicking here. The password is rams. You can pop in to the meeting and ask questions, you don’t need to stay for the whole meeting. You will be muted when you join, I have to mute everyone or we will hear all the noises from everyone’s houses, you can unmute when it is your turn to ask a question. You can also email me or send me a Bloomz message with any questions you might have 🙂The Zoom link is also below if the top link doesn’t work.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 711 7011 4125
Passcode: rams

I also want to mention that you may want to send a couple extra clean masks with your child each day. They tend to get damp and that can be annoying, it would be nice if your child can change into a fresh mask if they need to. Also, the drinking fountains are going to be off limits, so don’t forget to send a water bottle!

School starts in 2 days, I can’t wait!!! We are going to have a great year!!!

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Virtual Back to School Night

Our first virtual Back to School Night will be held on Tuesday, August 18 6:30-7:30.  I will have a Zoom link for you to visit me during that time. I will post the ZOOM meeting link on my BLOG that day. Please make sure you have the Zoom app downloaded or are able to connect from the browser.




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Screen Shot 2020-06-12 at 10.05.30 AMHello! I hope that you are having a fan”cactus” summer so far and are getting ready for an amazing school year.  I am so EXCITED to have your child in my class this year and I can’t wait to get started.  Back to School Night will be on August 18th and our first day of school will be on August 2oth.  The first two days are are early out day with dismissal at 1:00.  I am looking forward to meeting all of you.  Here are a few things that you can do to get a jump start on the school year:

  • Blog:  Sign up to follow this blog.  This is on the right hand side of this page.  Once you enter your email in, you will receive an email asking you to verify you email address.  Please do this or you will not be following our class blog.
  • Bloomz Apps:  Use the following link for instructions to connect to our class using the Bloomz App.  I will use this throughout the year to communicate with parents along with the blog.  I use Bloomz a lot so please sign up for Bloomz.  – Bloomz App
  • Class Disclosure Statement: Read and sign the class disclosure statement. – Class Disclosure Statement
  • Parent Survey:  The following link is a short survey to help me get to know your child better.  Please take a few moments to fill it out. – Parent Survey
  • Supply List:  I am asking for money donations in the amount of $30.00 instead of you buying your child’s supplies.  This means that I do all the shopping, labeling and organizing.  Awesome, right? One less thing that you have to worry about.  However, this does not cover headphones.  Please send those in with your child on the first day of school.  You can click on the Parent Info Tab above, or click the link, to find out what your $30.00 will cover. – Supply Link
  • Food Permission Form: This is a blanket food permission form for the entire school year.  The food items on this list are ones that we have used regularly in the past for class parties and for math, science, and ela lessons.  Please check all of the items that your child can have.  There is a box for substitution suggests if your child cannot have items on the list.  –Food Permission Form
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May 22nd Ice Cream in a Bag!

May 22nd: Virtual “Field Day” – This is our last day of school.  Students will meet with me on Zoom from 10:00 – 11:00.  During this time we will be making ice cream in bags and eating it all together and doing other activities.  Here is the ice cream recipe we will be making.  I have made this ice cream so many times, and I highly recommend double bagging the ice cream mixture, and the ice (so you will need two zipper close sandwich baggies and gallon baggies).  The recipe link has alternatives if you don’t have the traditional ingredients.  Please have your ice cream mixture ready for “shaking” when our Zoom meeting starts at 10:00.  We will be shaking and eating the ice cream together! 
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Final Schedule for May 18th – 22nd

This is our last week of school.  This is our testing week so our schedule will be different than normal.  Students will be taking the i-Ready diagnostic test.  For this test, students will need to login to our Zoom meeting at specific times (see below) and I will need to monitor them while they take the test. Because this is such a long and important test, I will not have any other assignments this week. 
Please help your student by creating a “testing environment” that will allow them to focus with minimal distractions. They are allowed to have a pencil and paper, but that is all.
If you or another adult it able, please help monitor your student so that I know the data is accurate and they aren’t using other resources to answer the questions. Again, the results of this test will help the 4th grade teachers know the best way to help your students in the fall.
As students finish a test, they will not need to attend the corresponding sessions for that specific subject. However, the program does let me know if a student rushed through the test and they will be required to retake it. Please help your student understand the importance of doing their best and taking their time.
Here is the schedule for that day (Click on the image for a better view):
Screen Shot 2020-05-15 at 7.26.26 PM
May 22nd: Virtual “Field Day” – This is our last day of school.  Students will meet with me on Zoom from 10:00 – 11:00.  During this time we will be making ice cream in bags and eating it all together and doing any activity.  I will post more information about the ice cream and what exactly your child will need on Tuesday.  

May 26th – 28th: Drop off and Pick up – Return checked out Chrome books & library books and report card/materials pick up.  More details will be coming from administration about how this will work.

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May 11th – 15th


WE’VE GOT THIS!!!  I just cannot believe how amazing you all have been throughout this entire experience.  We have 1 week left of our regular schedule and then we will be following our Testing Schedule. I sent out an email with information about your child’s testing time. If you did not receive the email or you have any conflicts with the scheduled testing time, please let me know. Here is our 
WEEKLY LEARNING SCHEDULE   Please do not hesitate if you have any questions or concerns.  Thank you for all that you have done and continue to do to support your child and me throughout this incredibly difficult time!!! You are all AMAZING!

TESTING NEXT WEEK: May 18th-21st is our end of year Testing Week. In a normal world, 3rd Graders would be taking the RISE test for the first time this year. But, NOTHING about life right now is normal so we will be using the i-Ready program to gather end-of-year data. Please discuss the importance of concentration, effort, and not rushing with your child. It is important for students to show a true picture of their level of learning. As much as we want to help our children with things that are hard, please DO NOT HELP them with this test. The software is adaptive, meaning that questions that are asked are dependent on the answers entered for previous questions. Helping your child answer questions they do not know the answer to on their own places them at a developmentally inappropriate place in the program.  Click here to view the testing schedule.

*** EXTENDED: Sign up for Quest’s virtual talent show! Click here to access the virtual talent show website. The talent show will be available to watch the week of May 18th! All video submissions are due May 11th, so get out your phones and start recording your talented kiddos (please ensure recordings are less than 5 minutes)! Though you’ll be able to upload videos from your computer, you might find it a bit easier to do so from your phone. Here is a short recording to show you how to do this.  I know I have talent in my class! Let’s show the rest of the school!

***Quest Jr. High annual “I MADE THAT!” Game Coding Competition is going on now.  We need everyone’s help. Please go to this site  Play the games on that site and rate your favorites. Your votes will determine the winners.
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