What the Heck is Going On!?!


After many meetings and lots of Ibuprofen & Coke Zero, we have come up with a plan for how school will be running over the next two weeks. Administration has emailed information to all families with details about when student work and devices can be picked up.

Student Work Packets: There are 2 separate bundles in the envelope, one for this week and one for next week. In the Student Packet, you will find all of our classwork which is organized by day and outlined on the Daily Agenda. The agenda specifies the time that students should log on to Google Classroom and Google Meet for live instruction, as well as a list of the work that should be completed daily. An instructional video on how to do this can be found by following this link:
A link to access Google Classroom can also be found on the blog. 

Live Instruction: We will be using the Google Meet’s App for live Math and ELA instruction each day.  All students are welcome to join our discussion.  If students are unable to log on during the live stream, a video of the instruction will be posted to the Google Classroom Stream later that day. This will also be linked in the Google Classroom assignment for the day. We will give it a try this Wednesday and Thursday and see how it goes. 
Student Login Cards: Each packet includes a student login card that includes all of the information that they will need for any of the online programs.

Please be open to changes as we figure out a routine that works for all of us.  We will miss seeing all of your kids, but hope everyone stays healthy and safe.  As always, please reach out if you have any questions.

 Don’t lose your minds (or login cards),

The 3rd Grade Teachers

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Wifi and Device Survey

Quest Administration has asked that teachers to send out a wifi and device survey to all parents. This is to prepare for home instruction in the event that Quest is closed due to a health emergency such as the Coronavirus. The survey will need to be filled out individually for each of your children attending Quest on the survey sent from your child’s teacher. PLEASE DO NOT ADD CHILDREN TO THIS SURVEY WHO ARE NOT IN MY CLASS.  Your children’s teachers will be sending their own survey link to fill out.  Quest Administration would like all surveys to be filled out no later than MONDAY, March 16th. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you,
Ms. Beckstead
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Aquarium Field Trip

Due to the steps that State Officials have put in place to help prevent the spread of the Coronavirus in Utah, our field trip scheduled for Monday, March 16th, has been cancelled. We are disappointed, and know the students will be as well. Thank you to all of the parents that volunteered to come with us, and we apologize if this has caused you any inconvenience. We are working hard to plan something fun and amazing for the students to participate in while we are at school on Monday. Any money that has been paid for this field trip will be applied toward future field trips that are in the works. We’ll keep you posted when we have more details. We are encouraging students who planned to bring a home lunch on the field trip to go ahead and bring it on Monday. If the weather permits, we would love to enjoy a picnic lunch with our students. Please reach out to us with any questions or concerns you might have.

Thank you all for your patience and understanding,

The 3rd Grade Teachers
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Parking Lot Reminder

To help keep our students safe we encourage you to watch this short video on parking lot safety at Quest Academy. Please share with those who help transport your child to and from school. Thank you!

Parking lot reminders
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March 9th-13th

Monday, 3/9:  
Tuesday, 3/10:   Library @ 8:40 – Don’t forget your book!
Wednesday, 3/11:  Coding @ 8:40 & STEM @ 2:15
Thursday, 3/12: 
Friday, 3/13:  Early Release @1:00

Important Dates:
*Monday, 3/16 – Aquarium Field Trip – See Below For Details
*Monday, 3/30 – 4/3: Spring Break
*Tuesday, April 14th – Curiosity Museum at Thanksgiving Point Field Trip – More Details to come later  

Aquarium Field Trip:
On Monday, March 16th, third grade will be going on a field trip to the Loveland Living Planet Aquarium.  The cost of this field trip is $6.50 for students and $10.00 for chaperons.  Payment is due on Wednesday, March 11th and can be paid to the office.  All of the details are attached in the permission form.  Please read over the form and if you have any questions feel free to email me.  
Aquarium Permission Form

***If you have not paid for your student’s supply donation, you may do so at the front office or you may call the school 801-731-9859
***This donation covers all of the supplies that your child is using in class, as well as maintaining a supply of pencils, lead, tissues, paper towels, hand sanitizer, art supplies, adding to the classroom library, etc…
***THANK YOU SO MUCH to those of you who have contributed to our class!!

***If you have not subscribed to BLOOMZ, please do so as soon as possible! Our class code is BUJ8TP***

Multiplication Facts:
We are going to be working very diligently at mastering our multiplication facts. Students have been learning to skip count as a strategy to learn our facts. The more they practice at home, the more efficient they become at recalling their facts!

This week we are beginning to study Measurement.   We will be using the skills we learned studying fractions to measure length to the fourth and half inch. We will also be learning how to represent this data by creating line plots.

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This week  we will be practicing our comprehension skill of summarizing and point of view.  We will be reading “The New Hoop” and “Bravo Tavo.”   
Suffixes: -ful, -less, -able
Inflectional endings
-gaze    -discouraged   -conservation   -frustration   -jubilant    -recycling    -remaining     -tinkered
In class, we learn about these vocabulary words in connection to ourselves. If you notice your child using any of these words in context, this would be a great opportunity to celebrate their efforts!


Each month students are required to memorize at least one poem.  Below are the month’s poems.  We only read through these in class once, so they need to be practiced at home.  Students can pass off poems on Fridays whenever they are ready to recite them. 
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OPTIONAL –  yet HIGHLY encouraged by Ms. Beckstead – REVIEW
  • Read at least 20 minutes per day. Making sure that your child does his/her reading daily is the single most helpful thing you can do to support educational success.
  • I have been trying to make time for students to work on REFLEX during the day, but some days it just isn’t possible. Please check with your child to see if they got their green light during the day. If not, doing it at home would be a big help to your child!

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March 2nd – 6th

                           Dr. Seuss Day!! – See Flyer Below
Tuesday, 3/3:   Library @ 8:40 – Don’t forget your book!
Wednesday, 3/4:  Coding @ 8:40
                                    STEM @ 2:15
Thursday, 3/5: 
Friday, 3/6:  Early Release @1:00
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Important Dates:
*Monday, 3/16 – Aquarium Field Trip – See Below For Details
*Monday, 3/30 – 4/3: Spring Break
*Tuesday, April 14th – Curiosity Museum at Thanksgiving Point Field Trip – More Details to come later  

Aquarium Field Trip:
On Monday, March 16th, third grade will be going on a field trip to the Loveland Living Planet Aquarium.  The cost of this field trip is $6.50 for students and $10.00 for chaperons.  Payment is due on Wednesday, March 11th and can be paid to the office.  All of the details are attached in the permission form.  Please read over the form and if you have any questions feel free to email me.  
Aquarium Permission Form

Jr. Cheer Clinic

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***If you have not paid for your student’s supply donation, you may do so at the front office or you may call the school 801-731-9859
***This donation covers all of the supplies that your child is using in class, as well as maintaining a supply of pencils, lead, tissues, paper towels, hand sanitizer, art supplies, adding to the classroom library, etc…
***THANK YOU SO MUCH to those of you who have contributed to our class!!

***If you have not subscribed to BLOOMZ, please do so as soon as possible! Our class code is BUJ8TP***

Multiplication Facts:
We are going to be working very diligently at mastering our multiplication facts. Students have been learning to skip count as a strategy to learn our facts. The more they practice at home, the more efficient they become at recalling their facts!

This week we continue our unit on Fractions.   We will spend the next few weeks working on naming fractions, fractions on a number line, comparing fractions, and fractions as a whole.  We will be using food during our faction unit.  

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This week  we will be practicing our comprehension skill of summarizing and point of view.  We will be reading “Juanita and the Beanstalk” and “Clever Jack takes the Cake.”   
Singular & Plural Words
Compound Words
-barter    -admit   -considered   -creation    -humble    –magnificent    -payment     –reluctantly
In class, we learn about these vocabulary words in connection to ourselves. If you notice your child using any of these words in context, this would be a great opportunity to celebrate their efforts!


Each month students are required to memorize at least one poem.  Below are the month’s poems.  We only read through these in class once, so they need to be practiced at home.  Students can pass off poems on Fridays whenever they are ready to recite them. 
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OPTIONAL –  yet HIGHLY encouraged by Ms. Beckstead – REVIEW
  • Read at least 20 minutes per day. Making sure that your child does his/her reading daily is the single most helpful thing you can do to support educational success.
  • I have been trying to make time for students to work on REFLEX during the day, but some days it just isn’t possible. Please check with your child to see if they got their green light during the day. If not, doing it at home would be a big help to your child!
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February 24th – 28th

Monday, 2/24: 
Tuesday, 2/25:   Library @ 8:40 – Don’t forget your book!
Wednesday, 2/26:  Coding @ 8:40
                                    STEM @ 2:15
Thursday, 2/27: 
Friday, 2/28: Dollar Dress Down Day
                         FUNDRAISER FORMS DUE!!!! 
                         Early Release @1:00

Important Dates:
Monday, 3/30 – 4/3: Spring Break

As we didn’t quite reach our Little Caesars goal, the fundraiser will be extended until Friday, February 28th.  For every three cards sold by elementary students, they will receive a prize.   The top  class will win a pizza and ice cream party. 
The Little Caesars Breadstick cards are $10 and gives you 10 bags of breadsticks and crazy sauce. These usually cost over $4. This gives you a savings of over $30. Quest makes $7 off of every card students sell. The money raised for this fundraiser helps with field trips, field day, after school clubs and other school activities. These cards make great gifts for neighbors, friends, and family members. 
Each student has been given a new fundraising form. If it has been lost or you’ve sold SO many that you need a new one, just let me know!

Quest Academy Junior High Presents: Clue, On Stage
Come support our students as they perform the stage adaptation of Clue on Friday and Saturday night at the Syracuse Arts Academy theater. Tickets can be purchased online from the Quest Academy website, or at the door.
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Jr. Cheer Clinic

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***If you have not paid for your student’s supply donation, you may do so at the front office or you may call the school 801-731-9859
***This donation covers all of the supplies that your child is using in class, as well as maintaining a supply of pencils, lead, tissues, paper towels, hand sanitizer, art supplies, adding to the classroom library, etc…
***THANK YOU SO MUCH to those of you who have contributed to our class!!

***If you have not subscribed to BLOOMZ, please do so as soon as possible! Our class code is BUJ8TP***

Multiplication Facts:
We are going to be working very diligently at mastering our multiplication facts. Students have been learning to skip count as a strategy to learn our facts. The more they practice at home, the more efficient they become at recalling their facts!

This week we continue our unit on Fractions.   We will spend the next few weeks working on naming fractions, fractions on a number line, comparing fractions, and fractions as a whole.  We will be using food during our faction unit.  


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This week  we will be practicing our comprehension skill of identifying theme and recognizing the literary elements of repetition and rhyme. Our stories are The Giant, Captian’s Log, The Winningest Woman of the Iditarod Dog Sled Race, The Brave Ones, and Narcissa. Each of these are poems.

Soft c and g – ex. circle, race, city, page, general, cage
Comparatives and Superlatives: bigger/biggest, happier/happiest

-courageous    -extremely   -weird   -free verse    -narrative    -repetition    -rhyme     -adventurous
In class, we learn about these vocabulary words in connection to ourselves. If you notice your child using any of these words in context, this would be a great opportunity to celebrate their efforts!


Each month students are required to memorize at least one poem.  Below are the month’s poems.  We only read through these in class once, so they need to be practiced at home.  Students can pass off poems on Fridays whenever they are ready to recite them. 
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OPTIONAL –  yet HIGHLY encouraged by Ms. Beckstead – REVIEW
  • Read at least 20 minutes per day. Making sure that your child does his/her reading daily is the single most helpful thing you can do to support educational success.
  • I have been trying to make time for students to work on REFLEX during the day, but some days it just isn’t possible. Please check with your child to see if they got their green light during the day. If not, doing it at home would be a big help to your child!
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February 17th – 21st

Monday, 2/17: President’s Day, NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, 2/18:   Library @ 8:40 – Don’t forget your book!!
Wednesday, 2/19:  Coding @ 8:40
                                  STEM @ 2:15
Friday, 2/21:  Early Release @1:00

As we didn’t quite reach our Little Caesars goal, the fundraiser will be extended until Friday, February 28th.  For every three cards sold by elementary students, they will receive a prize.   The top  class will win a pizza and ice cream party. 
The Little Caesars Breadstick cards are $10 and gives you 10 bags of breadsticks and crazy sauce. These usually cost over $4. This gives you a savings of over $30. Quest makes $7 off of every card students sell. The money raised for this fundraiser helps with field trips, field day, after school clubs and other school activities. These cards make great gifts for neighbors, friends, and family members. 

Jr. Cheer Clinic
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***If you have not paid for your student’s supply donation, you may do so at the front office or you may call the school 801-731-9859
***This donation covers all of the supplies that your child is using in class, as well as maintaining a supply of pencils, lead, tissues, paper towels, hand sanitizer, art supplies, adding to the classroom library, etc…
***THANK YOU SO MUCH to those of you who have contributed to our class!!

***If you have not subscribed to BLOOMZ, please do so as soon as possible! Our class code is BUJ8TP***

Multiplication Facts:
We are going to be working very diligently at mastering our multiplication facts. Students have been learning to skip count as a strategy to learn our facts. The more they practice at home, the more efficient they become at recalling their facts!

This week we begin our unit on Fractions.   We will spend the next few weeks working on naming fractions, fractions on a number line, comparing fractions, and fractions as a whole.  We will be using food during our faction unit.  The items that we could be using are: Valentines Conversation Hearts, plain M&Ms, and Skittles. Click the link below for the Food Permission Form. Fractions Food Permission Food Form


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This week  we will be practicing our comprehension strategy of rereading and our skill of cause and effects. Our stories are Firsts in Flight and Hot Air Balloons, which are both expository texts.

Homophones – ex. sail, sale, beat, beet, road, rowed, rode, its, it’s, your, you’re, their, they’re, there

-controlled    -direction   -flight   -impossible    -launched    -motion    -passenger     –popular
In class, we learn about these vocabulary words in connection to ourselves. If you notice your child using any of these words in context, this would be a great opportunity to celebrate their efforts!


Each month students are required to memorize at least one poem.  Below are the month’s poems.  We only read through these in class once, so they need to be practiced at home.  Students can pass off poems on Fridays whenever they are ready to recite them. 
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OPTIONAL –  yet HIGHLY encouraged by Ms. Beckstead – REVIEW
  • Read at least 20 minutes per day. Making sure that your child does his/her reading daily is the single most helpful thing you can do to support educational success.
  • I have been trying to make time for students to work on REFLEX during the day, but some days it just isn’t possible. Please check with your child to see if they got their green light during the day. If not, doing it at home would be a big help to your child!
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February 10th – 14th

Tuesday, 2/11:   Library @ 8:40 – Don’t forget your book!!
Wednesday, 2/12: HAPPY BIRTHDAY KENNEDY!!!
                                  Coding @ 8:40
                                  STEM @ 2:15
Friday, 2/14:  HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY!!
                          Early Release @1:00
Monday, 2/17: President’s Day, NO SCHOOL

Valentine’s Day Information:
– Students may bring a Valentine box or bag to school on Friday. Because of limited space, please do not send large boxes.
– Students may bring Valentines to pass out to classmates. We have a total of 30 students in our class.   I prefer for the students not address the student’s names on the Valentine Cards.  It takes double the time to pass them out if they are addressed to each individual student in our class.  Please have your child just sign each of their cards. .Remember, students are not allowed to pass out food items as part of their Valentines.
– We will enjoy a small treat and activity as a class on Friday.

***If you have not paid for your student’s supply donation, you may do so at the front office or you may call the school 801-731-9859
***This donation covers all of the supplies that your child is using in class, as well as maintaining a supply of pencils, lead, tissues, paper towels, hand sanitizer, art supplies, adding to the classroom library, etc…
***THANK YOU SO MUCH to those of you who have contributed to our class!!

***If you have not subscribed to BLOOMZ, please do so as soon as possible! Our class code is BUJ8TP***

Multiplication Facts:
We are going to be working very diligently at mastering our multiplication facts. Students have been learning to skip count as a strategy to learn our facts. The more they practice at home, the more efficient they become at recalling their facts!

This week we begin our unit on Fractions.   We will spend the next few weeks working on naming fractions, fractions on a number line, comparing fractions, and fractions as a whole.  We will be using food during our faction unit.  The items that we could be using are: Valentines Conversation Hearts, plain M&Ms, and Skittles. Click the link below for the Food Permission Form. Fractions Food Permission Food Form


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This week  we will be practicing our comprehension strategy of rereading and our skill of Compare and Contrast texts. Our stories are Grey Wolf! Red Fox! and Amazing Wildlife of the Mojave, which are both expository texts.

Plural Words: varient vowel: /ô/

-shelter    -alert   -competition   -environment    -excellent    -prefer  -protection     -related
In class, we learn about these vocabulary words in connection to ourselves. If you notice your child using any of these words in context, this would be a great opportunity to celebrate their efforts!


Each month students are required to memorize at least one poem.  Below are the month’s poems.  We only read through these in class once, so they need to be practiced at home.  Students can pass off poems on Fridays whenever they are ready to recite them. 
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OPTIONAL –  yet HIGHLY encouraged by Ms. Beckstead – REVIEW
  • Read at least 20 minutes per day. Making sure that your child does his/her reading daily is the single most helpful thing you can do to support educational success.
  • I have been trying to make time for students to work on REFLEX during the day, but some days it just isn’t possible. Please check with your child to see if they got their green light during the day. If not, doing it at home would be a big help to your child!
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