Free Day Friday!

Students have earned some time on Friday afternoon for a Free Day Friday.  They may bring a small toy, electronics (if you allow them), or something else small to have free time with.  If you have any questions, or concerns, feel free to contact me.
Ms. Beckstead
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The Week of May 6th!

  • It’s time for RISE Testing and Dibels Testing!!!  Please make sure your child is here during our testing times. 
    • Please try and plan trips and appointments around these times. Also, make sure your child has a nice healthy breakfast on these days and is very rested. It takes a lot out of them! 
  • Practices for the play are in full swing! Please make sure your child is here so we can practice with the whole cast each day.
    • I have posted costume ideas on a previous blog post.  Please check it out if you need costume ideas.
  • RISE Food Permission Form
    • Please click on the link below to access the RISE Food Permission Form.  I have 5 students who have not had parents sign the permission form.  Please do so ASAP if you are one of the five that have not sign it yet.
Important Dates:
Monday – RISE Testing @ 1:25 – 2:10
Tuesday –  Library @ 9:30 – This is our last library day!  Please make sure that all books are turned in today!!
Wednesday – RISE Testing @ 12:40 – 1:25
Friday – Dibels Testing – 8:30 – 10:15

May 20th – Play Dress Rehearsal @ 2:00
May 21st  –  Math RISE Test @ 8:45-9:30
May 21st  –  Class Play @ 2:00
May 22nd  –  Math RISE Test @10:15-11:00


New Poems for May. This has been so fun!
This month I am asking students to memorize at least one of the attached poems to be performed in front of the class before the last day of school. This is a great opportunity to work on our fluency, phrasing, and performing skills. Students are welcome to memorize and perform as many poems as they would like. I will be paying class money for each successfully performed. I will be sending home a hard copy with each student. Feel free to click on the link May Poems or the picture to view online.
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What’s Happening in Math
  • Math is going quickly at the end of the year!  Please make sure that your child is here everyday.  We are doubling up math preparing for the end of year tests!
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Reading Homework
Our goal is to have student’s read 20 minutes per night.  Please keep tract of reading minutes on the monthly reading log.  May’s reading log will come home on Monday.  

Math Homework
Each student will need to get onto (access under student links on the Quest website, or on the blogs sidebar under Class Links) and complete their “green light” Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (3 sessions). Just in case students don’t remember, the class username is “Beckstead3″ and all passwords are “rams”.  If students do not complete Reflex at home they will complete it during recess time.
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Class Play Costume Ideas!

Dear Parents and Students, 
Our play will be on Tuesday, May 21st, at 2:00 pm in the Q1 gym.   Each child is responsible for their own costumes.  Below I have posted some ideas that I have found that would be simple to do.  These are just ideas, feel free to get creative.  Please make sure that costumes are hands free.  We have actions that go along with our songs and students need to move their bodies and hands.  Costumes need to be at school on Monday, the 20th.  We will be having a dress rehearsal on Monday the 20th, at 2:00 pm in the Q1 gym.  Please feel free to come to the dress rehearsal if you cannot attend the performance the next day.  If you have any questions for concerns, please feel free to email me.  
Here is a photo from a previous year’s class play to give you some ideas on costumes. 
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Zoo Keeper – A safari hat would be great.   A work belt that could hold a flashlight or a set of key would also work.  
Elephant – A pair of headband elephant ears would work great.
Beetle – The same idea could work for you with a headband.

Macaws, Alligators, Leopard Geckos, Mushrooms, Polar Bears, and  King Snake – This would work with creating a simple hat to look like your animal.  You could also create a mask! There are many ideas on Pinterest that I have found.
Picture of Frog Baseball Hat

Grass – You could take a green or tan visor or hat and then attach a grass skirt around the edge. This would have the grass hanging all around you.  I also saw a small, round wreath form that you could use instead of visor or hat.   A hula skirt would work as well.
Star Fish and Cacti – You could create your costumes using foam board.
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The Week of April 29th!

  • We will be doing our end of the year Dibels assessment on May 2nd and May 10th from 8:30-10:15. (This date changed from last week’s post)
    • Please make sure your child has had a good nights rest and has eaten breakfast. 
    • Reading aloud to a parent or sibling each would be a great way to prepare for this! We have been working so hard on this all year, let’s make one final push!
  • Practices for the play are in full swing! Please make sure your child is here so we can practice with the whole cast each day!
  • RISE Food Permission Form
Important Dates:
Monday  –  STEM @ 10:30/Book Fair Begins!
Tuesday –  Library @ 9:30
Friday – RISE Kick Off  Testing Assembly @ 9:30

May 2nd  –  Dibels End of Year Assessment @ 8:30-10:15
May 6th  –  ELA 
RISE Test @ 1:25-2:10
May 8th  –  ELA RISE Test @ 12:40 – 1:25
May 10th –  Dibels End of Year Assessment @ 8:30-10:15
May 21st  –  Math RISE Test @ 8:45-9:30
May 22nd  –  Math RISE Test @10:15-11:00
May 21st  –  Class Play @ 2:00

    New Poems for April. This has been so fun!
    This month I am asking students to memorize at least one of the attached poems to be performed in front of the class before May 1st. This is a great opportunity to work on our fluency, phrasing, and performing skills. Students are welcome to memorize and perform as many poems as they would like. I will be paying class money for each successfully performed. I will be sending home a hard copy with each student. Feel free to click on the link April Poems or the picture to view online.
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    What’s Happening in Math
    • Math is going quickly at the end of the year!
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    Reading Homework
    Our goal is to have student’s read 20 minutes per night.  Please keep tract of reading minutes on the monthly reading log.  February’s reading log will come home on Monday.  

    Math Homework
    Each student will need to get onto (access under student links on the Quest website, or on the blogs sidebar under Class Links) and complete their “green light” Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (3 sessions). Just in case students don’t remember, the class username is “Beckstead3″ and all passwords are “rams”.  If students do not complete Reflex at home they will complete it during recess time.
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    RISE Test Food Permission Form

    Please click on the link below to access the RISE Food Permission Form.
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    The Week of April 22nd!

    • We will be doing our end of the year Dibels assessment on April 30th and May 2nd from 8:30-10:15.
      • Please make sure your child has had a good nights rest and has eaten breakfast. 
      • Reading aloud to a parent or sibling each would be a great way to prepare for this! We have been working so hard on this all year, let’s make one final push!
    • Practices for the play are in full swing! Please make sure your child is here so we can practice with the whole cast each day!
    • Arts Festival–April 26 @ 5-8 pm
      • Food trucks, art contest, chalk art contest, student art showcase, tie dye.
      • Students can sign up here for the Student Art Showcase!
    Important Dates:
    Monday  –  STEM @ 2:00
    Tuesday –  Library @ 1:00

    April 30th  – Dibels End of Year Assessment
     @ 8:30-10:15
    May 2nd  –  Dibels End of Year Assessment @ 8:30-10:15
    May 6th  –  ELA 
    RISE Test @ 1:25-2:10
    May 8th  –  ELA RISE Test @ 12:40 – 1:25
    May 21st  –  Math RISE Test @ 8:45-9:30
    May 22nd  –  Math RISE Test @10:15-11:00
    May 21st  –  Class Play @ 2:00


    New Poems for April. This has been so fun!
    This month I am asking students to memorize at least one of the attached poems to be performed in front of the class before May 1st. This is a great opportunity to work on our fluency, phrasing, and performing skills. Students are welcome to memorize and perform as many poems as they would like. I will be paying class money for each successfully performed. I will be sending home a hard copy with each student. Feel free to click on the link April Poems or the picture to view online.
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    What’s Happening in Math
    • Math is going quickly at the end of the year!
    • We have already started Lesson 28 and will be finishing off the week with Lesson 29.
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    Reading Homework
    Our goal is to have student’s read 20 minutes per night.  Please keep tract of reading minutes on the monthly reading log.  February’s reading log will come home on Monday.  

    Math Homework
    Each student will need to get onto (access under student links on the Quest website, or on the blogs sidebar under Class Links) and complete their “green light” Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (3 sessions). Just in case students don’t remember, the class username is “Beckstead3″ and all passwords are “rams”.  If students do not complete Reflex at home they will complete it during recess time.
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    Mark Your Calendars

    Mark your calendars!!!  Our class will be presenting a play titled “Biomes: Animals and Plants in their Habitats” to the school on Tuesday, May 21st at 2:00 pm in the Q1 gym.  The students will be doing all the preparation for the play at school and they will be memorizing lines and songs during school.  The only thing that the students are responsible for at home are their costumes.  I will post ideas for costumes this weekend.  Pinterest is also a great place to look for ideas.   I will continue to update you on play info.  Please contact me if you have any questions.  We are so excited to get started with this fun experience!  Below is a list of the parts that your child has been assigned. 
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    3rd Grade Bonnie Plants’ Cabbage Program!!

    Students were sent home with a cabbage plant and a flyer today explaining the Bonnie Plants’ Cabbage Program.  Students have a chance to win a $1,000 scholarship by growing the largest cabbage.  Please see the flyer for more details.  Good luck growing!!!
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    The Week of April 15th!

    Important Dates:
    Monday  –  STEM @ 10:30
                        – The Long Walk Home Assembly
    Tuesday –  Library @ 9:30
                        – Dress Down Spring Picture Day
    Friday – Dollar Dress Down Day
    Class Play – May, 21st @ 2:00
    *** This week our class will be working on becoming published authors.  We will work on creating a class book and you can order one of these books.  I will send home the order form and envelope on Monday.  I need all forms back NO LATER than Thursday.  Even if you do not want to order a class book, I still need you to check the box that you do not want one and send the form back in.  

    New Poems for April. This has been so fun!
    This month I am asking students to memorize at least one of the attached poems to be performed in front of the class before May 1st. This is a great opportunity to work on our fluency, phrasing, and performing skills. Students are welcome to memorize and perform as many poems as they would like. I will be paying class money for each successfully performed. I will be sending home a hard copy with each student on Tuesday. Feel free to click on the link April Poems or the picture to view online.
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    What’s Happening in Math
    We are moving on to area this week!
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    Language Arts in Class
    April is poetry month and this will be our main focus.  The essential question that we will focusing on is: How do people figure things out?  We will also be looking at the author’s point of view.

    Reading Homework
    Our goal is to have student’s read 20 minutes per night.  Please keep tract of reading minutes on the monthly reading log.  February’s reading log will come home on Monday.  

    Math Homework
    Each student will need to get onto (access under student links on the Quest website, or on the blogs sidebar under Class Links) and complete their “green light” Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (3 sessions). Just in case students don’t remember, the class username is “Beckstead3″ and all passwords are “rams”.  If students do not complete Reflex at home they will complete it during recess time.
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    Arts_Festival (1)
    Arts Festival-Friday, April 26th from 5:00-8:00PM @ Quest Academy
    -World’s Best Corndogs and Waffle Love food trucks
    -Coloring Contest (K-5th grade) with prizes
    -Chalk Art Contest with prizes
    -Arts Showcase, categories are: pencil, colored pencil, paint/watercolor, photography, and other (sculpture, origami, pastels, chalk, etc.) with prizes
    -Shirt Tie Dying
    -Group Art Project
    If you would like to submit a piece of art in the Arts Showcase, we will be collecting these soon. You may enter more than one art piece in the showcase. Also, stay posted for information on the group art project and shirt tie dying. Finally, the coloring page for the coloring contest will be distributed to teachers next week. It will be due back to your teacher no later than Wednesday, April 24th if you would like it to be judged in the contest.
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