October 15th – 16th

This Weeks Happenings:
Canned Food Drive is still going on.  Please bring in those cans and help us fill up the food bank!!
Monday – Stem @ 10:30
Tuesday – Library @ 9:30 *Library Books are Due
***Unfinished Apple Witch Dresses are due Tuesday. 

No School on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday!  Happy Fall Break!!!

Parent Teacher Conference Sign – Ups
I posted the Parent Teacher Conference Sign-Ups on BLOOMZ.  Please go in and choose a time that works for you and your family.  The dates are Tuesday, October 23rd and Thursday, October 25th.  Thank you!

***If you haven’t already, please subscribe to my blog and get the BLOOMZ app and create an account.  The BLOOMZ class code is 937QF9.  Please make sure you set your account up so you receive notifications.  These are the two main forms of communication, so I’d love all the parents getting all the reminders. Thanks!****

Our goal is to have student’s read 20 minutes per night.  Please make sure that your child is recording their minutes on the monthly reading log.

Math Homework
Each student will need to get onto www.reflexmath.com (access under student links on the Quest website, or on the blogs sidebar under Class Links) and complete their “green light” Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (3 sessions). Just in case students don’t remember, the class username is “Beckstead3″ and all passwords are “rams”.  If students do not complete Reflex at home they will complete it during recess time.
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Oct. 8th – 12th

This Weeks Happenings:
Monday – Stem @ 10:30
Tuesday – Library @ 9:30 *Library Books are Due
                 – Picture Day Retakes
Friday – Canned Dress Down Day – Students may bring in 5 cans for a dress down day.  Keep bringing in canned food items and help us fill the food bank!

Parent Teacher Conference Sign – Ups
I posted the Parent Teacher Conference Sign-Ups on BLOOMZ.  Please go in and choose a time that works for you and your family.  The dates are Tuesday, October 23rd and Thursday, October 25th.  Thank you!

***If you haven’t already, please subscribe to my blog and get the BLOOMZ app and create an account.  The BLOOMZ class code is 937QF9.  Please make sure you set your account up so you receive notifications.  These are the two main forms of communication, so I’d love all the parents getting all the reminders. Thanks!****

Math in Class
The math activity on the second page is just an idea to use at home if you would like.  This is not the homework for the week.  Please note that students should be logging into Reflex Math for their nightly math homework. 
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Language Arts in Class
We are in our third week of Wonders this week.  The main story we will be reading is , “Finding Lincoln” which is a historical fiction story and our essential question is: How can one person change the way you think?  Our comprehension skill that we will be focused on is cause and effect.
Reading Homework
Our goal is to have student’s read 20 minutes per night.  Please make sure that your child is recording their minutes on the monthly reading log.

Math Homework
Each student will need to get onto www.reflexmath.com (access under student links on the Quest website, or on the blogs sidebar under Class Links) and complete their “green light” Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (3 sessions). Just in case students don’t remember, the class username is “Beckstead3″ and all passwords are “rams”.  If students do not complete Reflex at home they will complete it during recess time.
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Canned Food Drive & Picture Re-takes

Besst Realty is doing their annual Mission: Possible Canned Food Drive from now until November 1st.  You can donate many different items besides canned foods.  For example: boxed foods, bottled water, Raman, sleeping bags, blankets, gloves, coats, jackets, boots, shoes, diapers, wipes, hygiene items, toothbrushes or floss, etc…

Also, picture re-takes will be on Tuesday, October 9th if you want your child to get them done.
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Oct. 1st – 5th

This Weeks Happenings:
Monday – Stem @ 10:30
Tuesday – Library @ 9:30 *Library Books are Due
***Turn in September Reading Log on Monday!!!
***Our apple witch heads are drying up and they look creepy!!  Please click on the link below for information about the Apple Witches dressing party.  We will dressing witches on Wednesday, October, 24th from 1:30-3:30. We need lots of help on that day.  Please let me know if you are willing to volunteer. The patterns will be coming home with students on Monday.
Apple Witch Letter

Math in Class
The math activity on the second page is just an idea to use at home if you would like.  This is not the homework for the week.  Please note that students should be logging into Reflex Math for their nightly math homework. 
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Language Arts in Class
We are in our third week of Wonders this week.  The main story we will be reading is , “All Aboard! Elijah McCoy’s Steam Engine” which is a biography and our essential question is: How can problem solving lead to new ideas?Reading Homework
Our goal is to have student’s read 20 minutes per night.  Please make sure that your child is recording their minutes on the monthly reading log.

Math Homework
Each student will need to get onto www.reflexmath.com (access under student links on the Quest website, or on the blogs sidebar under Class Links) and complete their “green light” Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (3 sessions). Students have practiced logging in the last week but, just in case they don’t remember, the class username is “Beckstead3″ and all passwords are “rams”.  If students do not complete Reflex at home they will complete it during recess time.
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Sept. 24th – 28th

This Weeks Happenings:
Monday – Stem @ 10:30
Tuesday – Library @ 9:30 *Students will be able to check out book

***I have started grading math assignments that we do in class. I grade them, make notes on them, and show students where mistakes were made.  Please be aware that these papers are coming home at least three times a week.  Many students are throwing out these papers, so if you would like to see them, please talk to your child about bringing them home.  Thanks!!

Math in Class
The math activity on the second page is just an idea to use at home if you would like.  This is not the homework for the week.  Please note that students should be logging into Reflex Math for their nightly math homework. 
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Language Arts in Class
We are in our third week of Wonders this week.  The main story we will be reading is , “Gary the Dreamer” which is a narrative nonfiction story and our essential question is: How do people from different cultures contribute to a community?Reading Homework
Our goal is to have student’s read 20 minutes per night.  Please make sure that your child is recording their minutes on the monthly reading log.

Math Homework
Each student will need to get onto www.reflexmath.com (access under student links on the Quest website, or on the blogs sidebar under Class Links) and complete their “green light” Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (3 sessions). Students have practiced logging in the last week but, just in case they don’t remember, the class username is “Beckstead3″ and all passwords are “rams”.  If students do not complete Reflex at home they will complete it during recess time.
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Sept. 17th – 21st

This Weeks Happenings:
Monday – Stem @ 10:30
Tuesday – Library @ 9:30
Friday – Carving Apple Witches @ 10:00 (We still need volunteers, so please let me know if you can help out)

Math in Class
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Language Arts in Class
We are starting our Wonders Unit this week.  The main story we will be reading is , “Yoon and the Jade Bracelet” which is a realistic fiction story and our essential question is: What can traditions teach you about cultures?Reading Homework
Our goal is to have student’s read 20 minutes per night.  Please make sure that your child is recording their minutes on the monthly reading log.

Math Homework
Each student will need to get onto www.reflexmath.com (access under student links on the Quest website, or on the blogs sidebar under Class Links) and complete their “green light” Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (3 sessions). Students have practiced logging in the last week but, just in case they don’t remember, the class username is “Beckstead3″ and all passwords are “rams”.  If students do not complete Reflex at home they will complete it during recess time.
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Apple Witches

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3rd grade has a tradition of carving and dressing apple witches each fall. It is a super fun project that we will connect with a writing activity. Apple witches will be carved in September and set out dry until we dress them in October, just in time for Halloween. We will be carving our apple witches on Friday morning.  I need every student to bring one medium sized apple (we will not be eating them) by Thursday September 20th. The apple needs to be medium size, too big and it will rot, too small and the face won’t be visible.  

In order to do this, I need several parent volunteers who would be willing to come into our class on Friday, September 21st at 10:00 and help with this project for an hour or so. We will need 8 parent volunteers, 1/8 teaspoons (at least 10), and apple peelers (at least 8). If you have any of these items but cannot attend, please send them with your child, and I will make sure that they get back to you. 

Later, I will also need a few parent volunteers to sew (at home) extra witch costumes (very easy sewing).  If you would like to volunteer, you may let me know on BLOOMZ, email, or comment on this post.
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Sept. 10th – 14th

**Our fundraiser is coming to an end.  All money gathered from Cookie Dough and Beef Jerky is due on Monday morning.  Thank you for all of your support with this fundraiser.
This Weeks Happenings:
Monday – Stem @ 10:30
Tuesday – Library @ 9:30

Math in Class
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Language Arts in Class
We are starting our Wonders Unit this week.  The main story we will be reading is , “Wolf” which is a fantasy story and our essential question is: What can stories teach you?Reading Homework
Our goal is to have student’s read 20 minutes per night.  Please make sure that your child is recording their minutes on the monthly reading log.

Math Homework
Each student will need to get onto www.reflexmath.com (access under student links on the Quest website, or on the blogs sidebar under Class Links) and complete their “green light” Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (3 sessions). Students have practiced logging in the last week but, just in case they don’t remember, the class username is “Beckstead3″ and all passwords are “rams”.  If students do not complete Reflex at home they will complete it during recess time.

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Math Homework

There was some confusion with Reflex, so we have been practicing in class.  We will also practice Thursday and Friday.  I still want your child logging into Reflex at night.  If the green light is full, then students hit the green light in class and they are finished for the night.  If they did not get the green light (circle completely filled in green), it means that they need to work on Reflex until it turns all green.  If you have any questions about Reflex, please let me know.  Also, I have updated the Weekly Homework tab.  This gives directions on the reading calendar and Reflex. 
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Sept. 4th – 7th

September is here!  The last two weeks of school have flown by while we have been busy learning routines and  getting to know each other.  The school is also in full swing with our annual fundraising.  There is still time to sell cookie dough or beef jerky.  This is our only fundraiser for the year, so please help out our school. 
This Weeks Happenings:
Tuesday, the 4th – Library @ 9:30
Wednesday, the 5th –
Thursday, the 6th – Dibels testing
Friday, the 7th – Dibels testing

Reading Homework
Here is what our reading homework calendar will look like.  Here is a sample filled out for August. Our goal is to have student’s read 20 minutes per night.  I will send home the September reading log on Tuesday.
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Here is how September’s log will look. Please don’t forget to fill out each night. They will be turned in the last week of the month.

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Math Homework
Each student will need to get onto www.reflexmath.com (access under student links, or on the blogs sidebar) and complete their “green light” Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (3 sessions). Students have practiced logging in the last week but, just in case they don’t remember, the class username is “beckstead3″ and all passwords are “rams”.  If students do not complete Reflex at home they will complete it during recess time.
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