August 28th–September 1st

News from 5th Grade

What we are learning…

  -Math: I can read and write decimals to thousandths using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded form. I can compare decimals based on the value of the digits by using <,>, and =.
  -Language Arts:  Define-Example-Ask vocabulary words. Write complete and correct sentences. Take notes while reading.
  -Homework: Understand expectations, where to locate the assignments, how to submit homework via Google Classroom.

Looking Ahead…

  • Dibbles Testing—Tuesday, August 29th and Wednesday, August 30th.
  • DAZE Testing—Thursday, August 31st
  • Net Smart Assembly-–Friday, September 1st

Your child is required to read 100 minutes every week. Please make sure they read 25 minutes Monday-Thursday. Ten of the reading minutes your child  reads must be read out loud. I will send home the reading and homework logs on Monday, September 11th.  These reading and homework logs will need to be completed and submitted each week.