Tuesday, September 5th–Friday, September 8th

News from Fifth Grade

What we are learning…

-Math: I can round numbers to the nearest whole number, tenth place, and hundredths place.
-Language Arts:  I can identify and write about an idiom. I can identify the subject and predicates in a sentence. I can take notes as I am reading a story.
-Homework: Understand expectations, where to locate the assignments, how to submit homework via Google Classroom.

Looking Ahead…

  • Help Hurricane Harvey Victims: Friday, September 8th will be ”Dollar Dress Down Day.” All money will be donated to help the flood victims.

Your child is required to read 100 minutes every week. Please make sure they read 25 minutes Monday-Thursday. Ten of the reading minutes your child  reads must be read out loud. I will send home the reading and homework logs on Monday, September 11th.  These reading and homework logs will need to be completed and submitted each week.