Monday, September 11th–Friday, September 15th

News from 5th Grade

What we are learning…
  -Math: I can identify how many ounces are in a cup, how many cups are in a pint, how many pints are in a quart, and how many quarts are in a gallon.
  -Language Arts:  I can identify and correct run on sentences, use correct punctuation in compound sentences, read a nonfiction text and identify the cause and effect relationships.
  -Science: I can identify what matter is including: mass, volume weight. I can identify physical changes in matter including: solid, liquid, and gas.

Looking Ahead…

  • Cookie Dough Fundraiser will be running through this week. All order forms need to be turned in by Monday, September 18th. The goal for our class is to sell 100+ tubs of cookie dough.

Homework begins today!! Wahoo!! I have updated my blog’s homework procedure. You can find all of the information under my blog’s “Homework Tab.” We have practiced completing the homework in class for the last three weeks. Your child should understand the expectations and requirements. Please let me know if you have any questions.