Field Trip Tomorrow!!

Here is the schedule for the Field Trip tomorrow, Tuesday, October 24th.

-All students must be dropped off, by parents, at the Roy Frontrunner Station before 8:30am.
-Students must bring a home lunch, and something to carry their lunch in (lunchbox or backpack). They are responsible for carrying their lunchbox, backpack during the museum).
-Students are welcome to wear their “crazy socks,” but they need to wear their school uniform. 
-Students CANNOT BRING an electronic device. They are more than welcome to bring a book to read on the Frontrunner or Trax.
-I will prefer if students do not bring money, because there will not be time to purchase any items from the gift shop.

Travel Schedule to Discovery Gateway:
-Frontrunner–leave going southbound at 8:45. Get off at Salt Lake Central Station.
-Trax–Take Blue Trax Line to Planetarium Stop at Gateway
-Walk–Walk to Discovery Gateway. We are at the museum from 10:30am-12:30pm.

-Outside around Gateway fountains. We will eat from 12:30-1:20

Travel Schedule to Roy Frontrunner Station:
-Trax Planetarium Stop–Meet at 1:25pm
-Trax Blue Line to Salt Lake Central Station–Depart at 1:32pm
-Frontrunner to Roy–Leaves at 1:56pm
-Roy Station–Arrives 2:45pm

Pick Up Students:
-Parents will be responsible for picking up their child at the Roy Frontrunner Station at 2:45pm.
-If your child is being picked up by someone other than a parent, PLEASE EMAIL ME TONIGHT so I know who will be picking up your child.
-You are more than welcome to take your child home at this time.