Along with all the materials we’ve sent home, your child’s “star chart” is included. In class, students received a star when they could show us a 100% on an iReady lesson. After filling a 10 frame up with stars, they earned a prize from our treasure chest. Feel free to continue using this as a motivator to work hard on iReady Reading and Math lessons! You could use stickers, special markings, or initials to fill in the squares. We suggest offering a simple reward after filling up 10 spaces, like 10 minutes fun time with mom or dad, chance to play a game, a small treat, or even a great big bear hug! In addition, if they hold up a completed 10 frame during one of our class meetings, we’ll give them a class cheer!
Maybe they earn bonus “stars” if they complete all their work for the day by a certain time, etc. Feel free to use it in whatever way works best for your child to help with motivation.