Here are a few things that will change after Spring Break:
- We will be required to take attendance during our morning meetings at 8:30. If your child isn’t able to attend the morning meeting and do their online work, we will mark them absent. If they miss the morning meeting, but are able to watch the recordings and complete the required work at a later time, please email us to let us know and we will go in and fix the attendance.
- Teachers have been advised not to post our class meeting links and/or codes on our blog. Rather, we will post the links for students to access our class meetings in our Google Classroom. Your student should already have access, but if not, use Class Code: lc24xto (You only have to do this once. After that, when you click on “classroom”, you will see our class name: 1st Grade Smith/Teichert). Watch this tutorial for help: How to access Google classroom
- We will start using Zoom instead of Google Meets for our daily video conferences. On Monday, 4/6, log into Google Meet, just like normal. Ms. Smith will then help the students transition to Zoom. Zoom requires a download. You are welcome to go ahead and download Zoom to your students’ computer/tablet this weekend.
- We will begin working with students in
small groups for Language Arts Instruction and to check their math proficiency. We will post the time on our blog that each group needs to login to Zoom. Meetings will last about 15-20 minutes. Thanks for all your help making sure your child is on at their correct time!
Language Arts Groups:
Dragonflies: Brighton, Gabe
Grasshoppers: Gabe, Kenzie M. Brenlie, Bria, Miles
Bees: Emma, Marayah, Violet
Ladybugs: Dexter, Noah, Kenzi L.
Butterflies: Landon, Jaxson, Wynter, Ryleigh, Leilani, Jacob
Praying Mantises: Treyson, Stevie, Ryker, Easton, Liam