Your only job today is to work on your iReady Diagnostic. Go to first, then Zoom, at your assigned time. Attendance will be taken at your assigned Zoom meeting time. Please only work on your diagnostic during your assigned meeting time.
–Dragonflies (Brighton), use the Zoom link and log-in at 8:30
–Grasshoppers (Kenzie M, Brenlie, Bria, Miles), use the Zoom link and log in at 9:00
–Bees (Emma, Marayah, Violet), use the Zoom link and log in at 9:30
–Ladybugs (Dexter, Noah, Kenzi L), use the Zoom link and log-in at 10:00
–Butterflies (Landon, Jaxson, Wynter, Ryleigh, Leilani, Jacob), use the Zoom link and log in at 10:30
–Praying Mantises (Treyson, Stevie, Ryker, Easton, Liam), use the Zoom link and log in at 11:00
Today is Hat Day, so wear a hat when you log into your Zoom meeting.

Optional Learning Activities:
- Reading Homework passage called “Accidentally Delicious”
- Read for 20 minutes or more
- RAZ kids Click on “Kids Login”. Teacher’s Username: FirstRams
- Wonders Online Activities
- Keyboarding on Typer Island
- Practice your Sight Word Fluency booklet
- Practice your timed addition and subtraction fluency