1-FRIDAY: Early Out 10:30
$1.00 (or more) dress down– donations will benefit Quest Angel Tree. (Student participation is optional. Students are welcome to wear a Quest Spirit shirt with uniform pants or traditional uniforms).
2-You can do your Amazon shopping at smile.amazon.com/ch/26-0198425 and AmazonSmile donates to Quest Academy at no extra cost to you.
Upcoming Events:
- Saturday, December 4, 9am-12noon- Reindeer Run Click here to register: Quest 5K and Fun Run Registration. Hope to see you there! 🙂
- December 16: Discovery Gateway in-class “field trip”
- December 17, 9:30-10:30 Class Winter Party (Let me know if you would like to plan a short activity or game. Small groups of 5-6 children rotate through and you will repeat the activity or game four times for about 13 minutes each). Email me at lteichert@questac.org if you’re interested. Thank you! You’re also welcome to come and just be extra hands as well.
- December 18-January 2: Winter Break- No School