A day missed in Kindergarten is hard to make-up, but here’s something you can do at home! Each student has their own individualized learning path in our iReady computer program for reading and math and it’s available during school hours. Go to clever.com and log in using the QR code on the front of their take home folder. Easy as that! Here’s the schedule we follow at school:
Mondays and Wednesdays: Math (pass off at least 2 lessons each week with 80% or better)
Tuesdays and Thursdays: Reading (pass off at least 2 lessons each week with 80% or better)
The link is always available on the right sidebar of our blog as well [“Clever (iReady)”]. Thanks for helping your child stay caught up on their iReady program when absent!
*Note: In the past, we emphasized getting at least 20 minutes in each subject weekly, but now the emphasis is on passing at least 2 lessons in math and 2 lessons in reading each week with 80% or better. If the lessons are super short (like some of the letter lessons), we encourage them to spend more time and complete more lessons.