Thursday is the big day for our Treehouse Museum field trip. Here are a few reminders to help your student have a successful, enjoyable day:
1- Students wear their uniforms ((it helps us identify our students at the Treehouse).
2- Arrive on time. Buses will depart at 8:45am.
3- Please have a good filling breakfast!
4- Leave student backpacks and water bottles at home.
5- We will arrive back to the school at 12 noon for pickup.
Parent Chaperones: If you are driving, we expect to arrive at the museum at 9:15am and depart the museum at 11:30am. If you choose, you may take your child home with you from the museum. Please see Ms. Lisa before you leave to sign a paper that you have your child.
Treehouse Museum address: 347 22nd St, Ogden, UT 84401