A note from Ms. Lisa concerning the keychains: I am requesting that students put their keychains IN their backpacks and then keep them at home. We have discovered that the chains are easily broken. And with so many other students with the same monster keychain it is easy to confuse which keychain belongs to which child. To reduce sad kindergarteners, please encourage your child to put their monsters in their backpacks and then take them out at home. Thank you! 😉
Quest Families,
Wow! We’ve had so many students and families participating in the fundraiser. Thanks, and keep it up! 🙂
We’ll be passing out the monster key chains for elementary students before school starts on Wednesday, Friday, and then on Monday (from 8:00am to 8:20am). Just send your kiddos to the Q1 lobby and make sure all items have been logged in the app. Thanks!
Quest Administration