Lexia Explained

Lexia is our online reading program that follows the science of reading. In order to reach their end-of-year benchmark, Lexia sets a goal for each student to pass off a certain number of units each week. You’ll find screenshots below of what it looks like when they’ve passed off a unit (the arrow is pointing to a section of a circle–each section represents a “unit”). The dashboard shows how many minutes and how many units have been completed that week. When they’re in a lesson/unit, there’s a progress bar at the bottom to show how close they are to finishing that lesson/unit. (If they exit before completing the unit, they have to start that unit completely over again). On average, students can complete a unit in about 5 minutes. 

To stay caught up when students are absent (or if they aren’t keeping up in class), please have them login at home, if possible. Average goal is 2-3 units each day (8-12 units per week). Parents are welcome to clarify anything their student might be confused about, but obviously please don’t give any answers. The program will assume the child knows more than they do and give them questions that are too hard.

To login to Lexia, their username and password are found in their take home folder:

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