This Week’s Overview and Reminders

*Reminder: Please bring a water bottle each day. Even though it’s cold, we still get thirsty after recess. Thanks!

Looking Ahead:

  • Wednesday-Thursday, January 31-February 1Parent Teacher Conferences
  • Friday, February 2: NO SCHOOL
  • Friday, February 9: Kindergarten celebrates 100 Days of School
  • Wednesday, February 14: Valentine’s Day Party

Here’s a quick overview of new things we learned this week:

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Comprehension strategy/skill: “Reread”/”Topic and Details” . We read different stories to go along with our theme “What kinds of things grow on a farm?”

2 New High Frequency Words: “he” and “with”

New sound/spellings/handwriting: /f/ Ff and /r/ Rr

*To reinforce high frequency words, phonics and fluent reading, please keep reading the decodable stories that are sent home. Thank you!


Vocabulary: fresh, delicious, beneath, raise, special

Math: Continued Lesson 10 “Add and Subtract Within 5” and Lesson 13 “Compose Shapes”.

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