Looking Ahead:
- May 6-May 7: End of Year assessments continue
- May 10: Final return date for library books
- May 17: Ms. Lisa’s Kindergarten Completion Celebration 11:00-11:30 am in the library (parents are invited)
- May 20: 1st grade class visit (we will briefly meet the 1st grade teachers)
- May 20: Practice eating lunch at school. Our class will have the opportunity to eat lunch in the lunchroom to prepare for 1st grade! We will be introduced to the lunchroom procedures, practice going through the lunch line (if choosing school lunch), eat at the tables, and clean up. More information and lunch choices will be posted soon.
- May 21: Field Trip to the Children’s Treehouse Museum (*NOTE Class Time Change: School will be held from 11-2 that day–for our class only)
- School:11:00-2:00; Museum: 12-1:30
- May 22: Field day
- May 23: K-2 talent show and yearbook signing
- May 24: Last day of school
Here’s a quick overview of new things we learned this week:

Comprehension strategy/skill: Ask and Answer Questions and Poetry: Rhyme. We read several different texts to go along with our theme: “Sort It Out: In what ways are things alike? How are they different?”
High Frequency Words (Power Words): come, does
Sound and spelling review: u, g, w, v, j, q, y, z and introduced long /e/ (spelled e_e, ee, and e)

Vocabulary: similar, sort, endless, perfect, experiment