We had a great visit with the 1st grade teachers at Quest today! They read a book, taught the students a funny song, and performed a magic trick. They sent us away with a fun straw and an awesome First Grade Skills Packet. This is a valuable resource to know what you can practice over the summer with your child. Watch for it in your child’s take home folder Wednesday (making sure it doesn’t get thrown away).
Final Kindergarten Report Cards, SEP’s, Math diagnostic scores, and other reports/information is also coming home on Wednesday.
Please make sure students bring their backpacks on Wednesday (and remember to bring their water bottle for field day).
Final grades and citizenship are also available in Aspire. You can view the overall subject grade under “Unofficial Report Card”. For detailed scores by individual standards go to “Complete Progress Report”. For Citizenship go to “Citizenship Log”. (Make sure you have selected Term 4). We hope you have a chance to celebrate the progress and growth they’ve made!
(For more detailed instructions on using Aspire follow this link)