Looking Ahead:
- Friday, September 27: Dollar Dress Down Day
- Friday, September 27: Scholastic Book Orders Due: Scholastic Reading Club (use class activation code: Y8WGR)
**Thank you for the wonderful response for volunteers during Center Time! We would appreciate a couple more volunteers that could work with students one-on-one with their alphabet from 8:30-9:00 Monday, Thursday or Friday mornings (starting September 9). If interested, please email me: lteichert@questac.org
Here’s a quick overview of some of the things we’ve been learning:

Practice: We’ve learned and practiced new procedures, how to correctly use the supplies in our classroom and logging into new programs on the Ipads like iReady and Lexia.
Power Words: “I“, “Can”
Phonics: Reviewing the letter names and sounds of the alphabet.
Phonemic Awareness: We started learning sounds from our sound wall. We look closely at how our mouths forms these sounds including what our tongue, teeth and lips are all doing.
Math: Lesson 1 “Describe position”. We practiced positional terms like above, below, in front of, behind, next to and beside.
Science: Completed our summer “Weather Watcher” form in preparation for our Seasons Lesson in the future.
Social Studies: The importance of rules, why we have them, and practiced following our own classroom rules. We’re also learning the names of everyone in our class and practiced writing our own name.
We’re finishing up the beginning of year testing this week, had our first fire drill, smiled for picture day, and we’re looking forward to starting our “Specials” classes on Friday: Library and Writing.