Dear Parents,
It’s very important that students know all their letter names and sounds by the end of October and we’d like to help motivate their efforts in doing so! We are practicing hard at school, but for many students, they need extra practice with flashcards, etc. at home as well. We’d like to have an ice cream party on Nov. 8 and celebrate everyone’s hard work at reaching this goal. Here’s the plan:
- mastery of 13 letters* and sounds = ice cream
- mastery of 18 letters* and sounds = ice cream + caramel or chocolate syrup
- mastery of all 26 letters* and sounds = ice cream + caramel or chocolate syrup + sprinkles!
*Includes both uppercase and lowercase letters
And for students who have already mastered all their letter names and sounds, we’d like to challenge them in their fluency: (Note: the goal for the middle of the year in letter naming fluency is 55 letter names per minute). I will send parents a separate email this coming week if your child is ready for the fluency challenge.
- 30-35 letter names per minute = ice cream
- 35-40 letter names per minute = ice cream + caramel or chocolate syrup
- 40+ letter names per minute = ice cream + caramel or chocolate syrup + sprinkles
Be watching for a permission form a couple weeks before our party.
(If you’ve lost your flashcards or want to make an extra set, see the printable set on our previous blog post)