Looking Ahead:
- Wed., September 25: Fundraiser Money Due. Only a few more days to sell Cookie Dough and Beef Jerky. Remember to add all orders into the Scoreboard FR app (code QUE832). Thank you for helping to support our school (and our class)!
- Friday, September 27: Dollar Dress Down Day
- Friday, September 27: Scholastic Book Orders Due: Scholastic Reading Club (use class activation code: Y8WGR)
- October 1: Picture Retakes
- Monday-Tuesday, October 14-15: EARLY OUT and Parent Teacher Conferences
- Wednesday-Friday, October 16-18: NO SCHOOL Fall Break
Here’s a quick overview of what we learned this week:
Comprehension strategy/skill: “Ask and Answer Questions” and “Characters”. We read a fable, a fantasy and a non-fiction selection to go along with our theme “How do baby animals move?”
New High Frequency Word: “we” (please continue to practice “I”, “can”, “the”, “a”)
Phonics: Sound and Spelling of Aa.
Phonemic Awareness: We continue to learn sounds from our sounds wall. We learn how our mouth forms these sounds including what our tongue, teeth and lips are all doing. We work all year on rhyming words, chunking words into syllables, first, middle and last sounds we hear in words, adding and taking away and replacing words in compound words, and blending 3 sounds to make a word (consonant-vowel-consonant or CVC words).
Math: Lesson 5 “Compare Numbers to 5” and we continue to practice writing our numbers. Reversals are still very common and we praise when students write the correct number, even if it’s backwards, and then have them fix it because we’ve learned that fixing our mistakes helps us learn and grow.
Science: This week our class observed an interesting experiment that uses the heat of the sun. We discovered that a car in the sun gets hot enough to melt marshmallows and chocolate to make a sticky treat called a s’more!