Looking Ahead and this Week’s Overview

Upcoming Dates:

  • Monday-Tuesday, October 14-15: Book Fair and Parent Teacher Conferences
  • Tuesday, October 15: Say Boo to the Flu clinic 3:00-7:00
  • Wednesday-Friday, October 16-18: NO SCHOOL Fall Break
  • Tuesday, October 22: Cookie Dough and Beef Jerky delivered to the school
  • Wednesday, October 30: Safety and Abuse Prevention Presentation
  • Thursday, October 31: Halloween Parade (9:00) & Party Thanks for all the volunteers! There’s a few spots left: sign up here
  • Friday, November 1: No School
  • Friday, November 8: Ice Cream Party (Keep up the great work practicing letter names and sounds!)

Here’s a quick overview of what we learned this week:

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Comprehension strategy/skill: “Ask and Answer Questions” and “Topic and Details”. We read informational texts and a tale to go along with our theme “How do tools help us to explore?”

Review of High Frequency Words: (please continue to practice) “see”, “we”, “I”, “can”, “the”, “a”)

Phonics: Sound and Spelling of Pp. Blending words with the letters: m, p, a, s, t.

Phonemic Awareness: rhyming words, syllables, first, middle and last sounds we hear in words, adding, taking away and replacing words in compound words (or prefixes and suffixes), blending sounds we hear to make a word, and breaking apart words into individual sounds.

Vocabulary: discover, defeated, fetch, tools, rumble.

Math Lesson 12: Compare Numbers to 10

Science: In our new unit on Severe Weather, students will explore storms and severe weather! The anchor phenomenon for this unit is the fact that weather has a huge impact on our activities, specifically, the activity of flying kites! Today, students generated observations and questions about the phenomenon and created a list of possible explanations for the phenomenon.

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