Looking Ahead and This Week’s Overview:

Upcoming Dates:

  • Yearbook sales are open! Purchases are online only and may be made through this LINK. Elementary – Yearbook ID: 15110625
  • Monday-Tuesday, October 14-15: Book Fair and Parent Teacher Conferences
  • Tuesday, October 15: Say Boo to the Flu clinic 3:00-7:00
  • Wednesday-Friday, October 16-18: NO SCHOOL Fall Break
  • Tuesday, October 22: Cookie Dough and Beef Jerky delivered to the school
  • Saturday, October 26: Quest Academy’s Fun Run: Trick or Treat Trot
  • October 28-31: Red Ribbon Week
  • Wednesday, October 30: Body Safety and Abuse Prevention Presentation (permission form required)
  • Thursday, October 31: Halloween Parade (9:00) & Class Party (treat permission)
  • Friday, November 1: No School
  • Friday, November 8: Ice Cream Party (Keep up the great work practicing letter names and sounds!)

Here’s a quick overview of new things we learned this week:

Comprehension Strategy & Skill: “Ask and Answer Questions” and “Topic and Details”. We read informational texts to go along with our theme “What shapes do you see around you?”

New High Frequency Word: “like” (please continue to practice “see”, “we”, “I”, “can”, “the”, “a”)

Phonics: Sound and Spelling of Tt. Blending words with the letters: m, p, a, s, t.

Phonemic Awareness: rhyming words, syllables, first, middle and last sounds we hear in words, adding, taking away and replacing words in compound words (or prefixes and suffixes), blending sounds we hear to make a word, and breaking apart words into individual sounds.

Vocabulary: materials, nature, world, decoration, games.

Math: We finished and took a quiz on Lesson 12 “Compare Numbers to 10” and started Lesson 7 “Add Within 5”.

Science: This week we learned about weather prediction and storms! Your child heard a story about a boy named JJ who helped his grandfather get ready for a big thunderstorm. A weather report on TV told JJ’s grandfather that the storm was on its way.
Next time you want to find out what the weather will be like tomorrow, consider inviting your child to check the weather with you — and take a look at “Weather Report for Kids”. The weather report that comes up describes the weather in words and cartoon pictures, great for kids and grownups!

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